Friday, December 28, 2007

He did it all

Jesus did it all for us. He was whipped, beaten, shamed, betrayed, denied, mocked, pierced, and crucified for you and me. He was rejected, cursed, and there was no room for Him when He was born. He took it all for us, He suffered all there was to be suffered. He was committed to embrace his own sacrifice. And on the 3rd day He was risen from the dead having conquered death.

So while we wait to see Him lifted high on the Judgement Seat before heaven, let us remember, "He did it all," so how much will He be willing to forgive here and now, since He did love us enough to embrace death, yes even death on a cross?

There is nothing we do to earn it, he loves us and extends us pardon freely.

If we could only hold onto a vision of Jesus and His love for us. That no matter what we have done, Jesus' willingness to forgive us is sufficient. His love and grace is so large, that He bore the cross and was tortured beyond comprehension for us. How much more willing does that make Him to extend grace, if He would embrace such torture for us? A love that motiveated Him to lay down His own life, will surely be tender enough to accept a heart felt cry to Him that loves so much. My brothers and sisters in Christ let us always approach the throne room of grace with confidence knowing what He has already done and is longing to do right now. Give your burden to Jesus. He has paid the price to take away your burden and guilt.

I find myself dependent upon Jesus grace, mercy, and love. My sinful nature will flare up and come out of nowhere and blind side me. So I call out to the name that Saves, "Jesus." I am on my knees again in this dark room asking your pardon. I hear Him say, "My grace is sufficient for you little one." "If I suffered so much on the cross, will I not hear you now and be very willing to forgive you?" Yes, Yes, tis true, tis true.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

This Christmas, The Best Christmas

There is a need this season, as there is always that stubborn need. That need which sticks around all year for the families living in poverty. On such a commercial celebration as is Christmas, the poor feel especially left out for they have nothing to give. Those that have no gifts for their children and are planning on making a visit to the hospital with a parent dying from cancer. There is much cause for all children with gifts under the tree and parents who can give them to be joyful and thankful to God Almighty that they should have such a privilege. I know there are many who do not have such a joy. Their worries are not if they have the latest xbox or the coolest clothes, but if they have diapers because they have no means of getting any more without some form of charity from someone who cares.

This Christmas has been the best for me personally. God continues to answer my prayer to use me for His will. There was a need for 27 pairs of shoes for a Christmas gift for less fortunate neighbors in my community. There was a fund raising of the expected funds required for such a gift. By a miracle from heaven, God provided a half price sale the day we just happened to make our purchase by no planning or knowledge on our part. God gave 43 pairs of shoes that day. There were 18 apartments where children have 1 additional reason this year to know they are loved and 18 sets of parents out there know someone cares about them as well.

I think I am hooked on walking with the Lord. I am beginning to see that there is no other way for me. I can find no other fulfillment. I can imagine nothing I would rather do. Who would not want to restore justice in the world? Who would not want to stand up for truth? Who would not want to love others no matter who they are or what they've done to you? Who would not want to do what is right? Where else can you do those things? I have found no other place than this faith.

Where else can my heart be opened up and exposed to people close to me? Where else do you find people who care about life, about family, about community, about marriage, about saving babies from being murdered, about helping the poor, about respecting parents, about respecting women for more than just looks, or for raising the bar on morality? Where else can you prepare for eternity if not in the faith? Where else can we turn but to Jesus Christ? He opened the way for us to follow, which leads us into all those things, such as truth, justice, morality. If we pursue any of those things by themselves, we are pursuing a part of Him, a part of divine things. Those absolute good things are divine, they are heavenly and they are only shadows cast on a wall here on planet Earth. But just because they are shadows here, some say they don't exist. They say truth is relative, you decide for yourself what is true. Just because the shadows are not real does not mean there is not something on the other side of heaven, which is real and does exist, casting those shadows. And anyhow, I would rather die with principles and dreams that I chased and pursued than to die with not having stood up for anything I believed in. If a man firmly believes that life is about partying, sex, drugs, and having excessive material goods....Then let him have all of it he wants, at least he is following what he believes. But if a man catch a glimpse of the possibility that there are things of a divine nature here that can be pursued and lived upon and he not pursue what he believes to exist, than shame on him.

All that to say, I am happy this Christmas. I believe I am more happy, joyful and fulfilled than I have ever been in my life. Thank you Jesus for paving the way. And I look to the future with anticipation for whatever may come my way. Even if it be difficulty and trouble, I look forward to pursuing the truth and living by my convictions for all of my life.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I am blown away with what God does in my life. I am now 3 years having been reborn a Christian and I wonder how I could not see God, when He was just as active in my life for the first 25 years as now. I regret that I did not see God so clearly as now. Just think about that, 25 years of living and I was completely oblivious to God. Looking back now, I can clearly see God moving in my life. But alas, I was so focused looking inwardly at myself, I was unable to see Him working outside me and all around me.

One day God intersected my path with a Christian that lived out his faith day by day. He did not profess he was a Chrisitan and make it a label only, but he acted funny (Not in a ha, ha way) but in an alien kind of way. To me he just did not belong among the sorts of people I had known. He was patient and kind. Funny, oh yes, he was. But most of all he lived a higher standard and did not step down to join in the office filth. His language was clean and he spoke in a strange dialect. Now I can recollect, that what he spoke was the truth. He spoke the gospel of peace and love, from our loving Saviour, who has risen above. To me a friend he did become. It was friendship that brought me to a saving faith. That one I knew looked like Jesus saved by grace, changed my heart and selfish ways. So yes today I must proclaim, "I am thankful, indeed, that Christ still saves."

Thank you God for people like Carl and all those courageous Christians you have placed in my life. Thank you that there are those who lay down their life and give their all for the kingdom that is to come. Thank you for love. Thank you for answering prayer and thank you for taking the smallest things we do and making them huge for your glory. Thank you for others in my own family that have stepped closer to the Lord in recent time. May there be much more of that and even strangers I don't know well!

May there be many more like me that become thankful for people like Carl. May we all walk out and be the church not just attend the church. So the lost will see the hope to which we are called, a transformed life, shining like stars.

Every day I have now I am thankful. I delight in waiting on God for answers to His will. I am amazed with the people I seem to encounter and discourse with. So many messages come funneling in through one book after another that just seem to hit my hands at the "right" time to meet me where I am at to help me along my journey with God. Excited I am to see what God has for the future. It is a mystery to me that God would want me and be willing to guide me, may I be so willing to guide others that are undeserving just like me.

God grow my love and let it abound without end, like your Son that showed us where to begin.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Set your Gaze upon God!

O Loving-Kindness so old and still so new, I have been too late of loving Thee. You are young, my brethren; profit therefore I beseech you from my confession, that I cared too little to employ my early years for God. Consecrate all yours to His love. If I had only known Him sooner, if I had only had someone tell me then what I am telling you, I should not have so long delayed in loving Him. Believe me, count as lost each day you have not used in loving God.

Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

How many days have I wasted? How much time, how many moments? God stands with open arms every day, every moment hoping for all to seek Him, trust Him, to do His will. I think it is too easy to have too much radio, tv, internet, music, worship services, sermons, work to do, and phone calls to make, AND we can do it all without ever having fixed our souls gaze onto God Almighty. We can do so many things but never be in love with God. We can have so many things coming into our ears and eyes but never take the time in silence to enter into the presence of Almighty God. I declare all things a waste of time if the person involved never enters into the presence of God. After all, that is what this personal relationship with God is. The opportunity through grace that God has wanted us to spend time with Him. That we can find our peace and direction and strength from time with Him.

The words that live on past a life. The words that echo through time announcing the truths of God. Words of life, the Living Word Jesus Christ Himself. So precious are these Words that point us back to God.

One of the things Brother Lawrence based his life on was a continual practice of focusing his thoughts on God, of communing with God continually throughout the day while working. He saw it rather strange to separate out a prayer time from any other time, as God is more than capable of being with us always. I quite agree. But I find myself struggling to attain such a communion with God.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Equality of all in Christ

There is a wall that needs to be broken down. This wall separates those that are being servants of Christ and those that are only watching. There is no Biblical precedent for 1 day a week Christianity. What we do on Sunday, entering into the presence of God, should be an everyday experience. Jesus opened the way for all to have personal relationship with Almighty God. Who is man that God is mindful of him? We have been given much more than we could ever imagine. Is that why it's so hard for most to accept the hand of Christ outstretched for them? That it is so hard to come to comprehend that God had mercy on them in their fallen nature. That the King of Glory wants to spend time with any single person. How great and awesome is that invitation?

We have a Savior who wants to lead us individually. He has a ministry for every believer. He has a love for every believer. He has a gift for every believer. He will talk and tug on the heart of every believer. Do we believe it? Do we really trust Him for our every day waking life?

I say we tear down the wall between clergy and laity. We are all brothers in Christ. We are all one. Jesus is the head. He is building His Church. These walls confuse most on what real Chrisitianity is. There is freedom in Christ. Freedom for all to pursue God with all their heart, mind, and strength. We as "leaders" should not confuse and put up walls but rather break down walls and shine the light on Jesus with His hand outstretched waiting for each person to come to Him on their own.

There are families waiting. There are lost relatives waiting. There are convictions and movings of the Holy Spirit waiting.

God may we see a revival of authentic relationship of every believer with You......

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My First Love

He (God) complains much of our blindness, and cries often that we are to be pitied who content ourselves with so little. God, saith he, has infinite treasure to bestow, and we take up with a little sensible devotion which passes in a moment. Blind as we are, we hinder God and stop the current of His graces. But when He finds a soul penetrated with a lively faith, He pours into it His graces and favors plentifully; there they flow like a torrent, which, after being forcibly stopped against its ordinary course, when it has found a passage, spreads itself with force and abundance.

Yes we often stop this torrent, by the little value we set upon it. But let us stop it no more; let us enter into ourselves and break down the bank which hinders it. Let us make way for grace; let us redeem the lost time, for perhaps we have but little left; death follows us close, let us be well prepared for it; for we die but once, and a miscarriage there is irretrievable.

Brother Lawrence (1614-1691), The Practice of the Presence of God

Oh please God, let me not be content with so little. Lord you are the treasure that I seek. Let me find myself in your presence. Teach me how to love you with all my heart, mind, and strength.

Sometimes it is so easy to forsake our first love. The greatest and what should be the most glorious of honors to obey, the command to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, and strength. How often do we loose God in the middle of religious repitition? How often do we go through the motions having not spent a moment with God, because we were so wrapped up in our lives, worries, fears, and events of the day. How often do I have a Bible study time that at the end I hurried and didn't allow myself to enjoy His presence?

It can be so easy to be so busy, to totally ignore God. Sometimes what I am doing looks totally like what I want to be doing, rather than what God wants me doing. Do I even ask anymore what He may want me to do? Or do I follow my routine. Has my relationship with God become stale?

Ignite the fire Lord. Kindle the fire that still smolders inside me. Lord, what is this passion, that feeling, when I am near to you? I have heard it called, the burning heart. It can be so hard to describe when I am in your presence. It feels so good. You have placed a treasure before us, to freely partake of. You have set the table for us to dine at in abundance. Time with you God, that is worth all. To love you and be loved by you. I was made to fall in love with you.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Whats it like?

This is what I see as I walk through a neighborhood today:

Young children playing on a swing set. Two feet from their play lies broken glass mixed with trash. Looks like someone carelessly left it on the ground. Walking through the neighborhood I spy several individuals that look like trouble. Not too far ahead are some more children at play with a young mother swinging her daughter. As I get closer, I can't help but notice the curse words spray painted on the side of the playgrounds slide. The young child is innocently swinging beside it. A young man comes riding his bicycle along the sidewalk. The coat he is wearing comes down to his ankles and he drowns in the coat. A thought runs through my mind, how do these kids stand a chance?

Mark 10:14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

The children are innocent. Sure some of the people in this neighborhood made bad choices. Sure some people abuse the system. But don't forget, some people had a bad turn of events. Some of these people are good people on hard times. And some of these people need a little love. Jesus told us: these kids are innocent and are willing to love no holds barred. As we grow older we loose that innocent affection we so freely gave as kids. My heart goes out to these kids growing up in a place they did not choose. I wonder to myself, what would I be this day if I grew up a tough place like this?

I would like to make known to all followers of Christ. There are opportunities in all communities to touch the less fortunate. There are people with problems you and I never have to consider. There are kids and adults who have a sparkle in their eye. Come with me to the Kokomo Urban Outreach and spend some time with these kids. Their eyes sparkle with a hope. There is something that does not see all the junk they live in, it rises above it. It hopes. It loves. It wants to be loved. Whatever that thing is, Jesus was knew it was there. These kids haven't given up yet.... There is an opportunity to impact them with caring. Are you willing to care? As a community, we should wrap our arms around them.

There is something in the air theses days that I am hearing. God is calling us from all different denominations to come together and affect Kokomo for Christ. There is one creed, Christ. There is opportunity. Will you help? Will you walk like you talk? Will you do like you say you believe?

Kokomo Urban Outreach Sunday 4 P.M. - 6 P.M. Location: Trinity United Methodist
North 1 block off Hoffer on Locke Street. Email me if you have any questions

If you have any input or a heart for any of these issues, there are also opportunitites to get involved in addressing these things to: Public transportation, Mentoring/getting in schools, Youth/kids opportunities, and Food assistance

God guide us how to best love this city......

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Love your neighbor as Yourself

I often wonder about love. The Bible says, "No greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13)." Elsewhere we find, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37)."
I hope one day I can love like Jesus, like God, loved us. A sacrificial love that has no regard for the self. I long for a total abandonment of flesh for true love. The law of the Lord our God can be made so simple, with one word, Love. So simple yet it can be so hard.
When I love, I dedicate my time and energy to whom I am loving. This blog is my love to encourage others onward with Christ. My love for God, that He would have His will done. Oh, if we as Chrisitians could just become more loving. Can you imagine the dysfunction in families that would disappear when love ruled in the household? Can you imagine what would happen to the divorce rate if husband and wife started loving each other with the love of Christ? Jesus has brought us new life. A life that doesn't have to be dysfunctional with people close to you, but rather we can truly, truly start to love and heal our families. We can heal this city. We can heal this state. We can heal this country, with love.
Love can tear down the fatherless families and help them to be loving fathers again. Love can remove the need for drug addiction. Love can lift up the widow and the poor. Oh may we have a little more love. When things get to complicated, keep it simple....Accept the love of Christ. Accept forgiveness for your pride, selfishness, and sin. Accept the mercy that was extended when none was worthy to receive a sacrifice of Jesus life, in love for us while we were still in sin and dead to God. Then go and love, give back what you received for others to KNOW HIM! Share the love Jesus suffered to give to us.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Reflecting on my first days as a Chrisitian

I was just thinking the other day about when Jesus became real and came to live in this temple of mine. About 3 years ago now, I can remember opening the Bible and reading things that just blew my mind. Many of the Scriptures did not make any sense. But there were those small pieces I came across that just amazed me with the Truth they contained. Things no one had ever explained to me before. Looking back I can not imagine living without the Truths contained in God's Word. It's no wonder I got into so much trouble without the Word of God in my life as a non-Christian.

Anyway, I can remember reading some passages like this one: Whoever finds his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10:39

I remember saying this to myself and to God: How can I do that? Is that something I really want to do? Who in their right mind can read that and really just accept that right off the bat? That is just craziness. And I encourage all to take those words in as a True statement by Jesus. That really is what He meant, and we really have to digest those words and understand the reality of what following Jesus is. It is a new life. It is a new way of living. It is a great adventure. It is living to care, living to risk in ways we never would have before. It is rearranging what you consider important in your life. It is putting something other than yourself first in all you do. It is a life that seeks God first and puts Him as the most important part of every day of life.

I highly recommend honesty with God. If you read something that catches your attention, something that bothers you, or intrigues to God about it. Tell Him how you feel. He will lead you in, if you are willing to lose all for the truth.

At some point we have to make that decision. We have before us total commitment no matter the cost with God, OR we walk away alone and seek only what our single feeble minds can imagine without the Creator of the universe to guide us. There has to be that trust, that faith, that God will do us right. That He is Good and He is Worthy to follow and whatever we lose by following Him will not compare to what He has instore, because He is so much bigger and better than we are as little humans. Walk in faith...this is where faith comes from. We move on acknowledging, my life is in your hands, do with as you please, I am fine with losing it, BECAUSE I believe you God, I love you.

I hope I did justice exploring the thoughts I was having. God help me to be relevant to help my fellow believers.

Other than that, I highly recommend making such a commitment to follow God no matter the cost. I can speak from 3 years of experience now, you will not regret making that decision. God has blown me away with His love. Anything I have laid down that God showed me I needed to, none of that junk compares to a life lived with God. Thats all I can say about that.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


As our American brethren are now totally disentangled both from the state and from the English hierarchy, we dare not entangle them again with one or the other. They are now at full liberty simply to follow the Scriptures and the primitive church. And we judge it best that they should stand fast in the liberty wherewith God has so strangely made them free.
John Wesley, 1784

I think sometimes I look too negatively at our position here in America. I look around at all the corruption, greed, sex, and lust of fleshly desires and dysfunction and I just am overwhelmed with grief and a sense of inability to do anything about it.

But John Wesley has some aptly opened my eyes that at the same time the liberty in America is available to walk away from God, THERE IS ALSO the same aptitude to walk toward Christ with full liberty! We still have such a great opportunity to pursue God with no holds barred from the government and with such freedom within our current religious climate. God is open for the common man to pursue with all he has. We have the Word we can read from, we have no interpreters like they used to have. We have a personal relationship to pray/talk with God. All throughout history nations have been under authority and dictated on how church and religion would function. There was a state religion and laws and bylaws and non-Biblical ideas intertwined. We have the oppotunity to restore the Biblical church. We have the opporunity to live like the Word shows us.

So let us be thankful for liberty that God has so blessed us with in this land. The liberty we have to pursue Him no holds barred. There is so much opportunity for us to effect this nation, this world, this generation. It starts with us. It starts with you and me. Let us not waste this liberty we have on temporary and fleeting pursuits. Let us fulfill Christ's prayer, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven! Let's make it happen. Let's light up this dark country and remind them of the history we have so quickly forgotten and the oppotunity in our hands.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Christian Perfection

John Wesley:
To explain myself a little further on this head (Chrisitan perfection): (1) Not only sin, properly so called, (that is, a voluntary transgression of a known law,) but sin, improperly so called, (that is, an involuntary transgression of a divine law, known or unknown,) needs the atoning blood. (2) I believe there is no such perfection in this life as excludes these involuntary transgressions which I apprehend to be naturally consequent on the ignorance and mistakes inseperable from mortality. (3) Therefore sinless perfection is a phrase I never use, lest I should seem to contradict myself. (4) I believe, a person filled with the love of God is still liable to these involuntary transgressions. (5) Such transgressions you may call sins, if you please: I do not, for the reasons above-mentioned.
From "A Plain Account of Christian Perfection"

Lord help me to be a man, a Christian, that loves to do your will. Your will in leading me into such a love as to keep me pure and holy in your presence. Give me a fear of you that kepts me from willful sin. Let me walk in your ways. Guide me in your truth. Show me what you want of me, of this life. It is yours anyway. Let me bend my will to yours. Have your way. Give me the strength and wisdom to know when to run from temptation and when to fight. Lord burn away my desires that are not of you.......

Any thoughts on the Wesley passage are welcome....what has God shown you about "sinless perfection" or "christian perfection" As when Jesus said, Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. As Jesus bids us to go and sin no more.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Set Me Free

Following is a poem I wrote...I wrote in the throng of fighting against sin in my life. I am coming to understand that the Holy Spirit is convicting and gradually changing my fallen nature into something different. I encourage you all to fight sin in your life and let the Holy Spirit purge you of what it seeks. One day we may just find the Spirit has made ready a spotless bride ready for Jesus.

Set me free, Set me free
From the chains of misery
Oh please, set me free!

My soul longs and even yearns, to be Free
Please set me free

Struggle in darkness, looking for light
I fall in the dark, looking for the Light

Oh please Saviour set me free
from the bondage to this earth, that worries me
no more fear and no more distress

Set me free, Set me free
Oh Lord, my God, my Rock, set me Free!

This place holds for me, struggle and fight, to do whats right
though I strain and cry out in pain
nothing I can do to attain, freedom from sin
I'm shackled to the dark
Oh merciful God, set me free
Your Son came to earth to be
The Key to set me Free

Oh how I love you Lord, My God
You came to take my place on high to the cross
My Lord, My God
you took my place, My Saviour, my God!
Oh how I love your shining face
You are my strength and my song
You have come To set me Free
Will I walk? and believe
You have come to set me free
Your Son, came to be, the key to set me free!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Joy Unspeakable

Lord I come unworthy of you and what you have done. I come to you lacking and lazy with my plans. Yet you come, you come and you fill this place. You overwhelm me with hope and light when it seems hope was gone. You lay hold from heaven and perform a miracle in another's life. Thank you Lord, thank you.

I can't imagine the joy in heaven. The joy when one person makes one decision to sanctify their turn away from the fruit Satan offers. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be so close to be able to witness your saving power to change and give new life. Lord I remember what you did for me. I remember you bringing me out of the dark and into your marvelous light. You gave me new life. A new life of truth, purity, light, love, peace, and joy. My life is now on a firm foundation, I no longer question. A life that delights in pleasing you and pursuing what is good and true rather than hiding and playing in the dark. Oh that others may see you...that they may lay hold of your face, to see your truth; that they may find peace in their soul and love for their brother.

Words can do me no justice to share what my heart cries out! My soul sings to heaven to see your saving grace! I love to see you work. I love the mysterious plans you orchestrate to bring strangers into friendship. Lord what you do I could never plan or imagine. I commit my life to following your lead. Take me Lord, where you will. Take me Lord, I want to see your glory.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Too much passion?

Sometimes I believe I get too excited about God. Sometimes I feel this overwhelming explosion of passion welling up on the inside when I meet someone that I can talk to "deeply" about God. Talking about His church, about His people, about whats going on at large in spiritual matters, about what He is doing and has done. There are so many times the pathway to deep conversations about God are blocked or cut off at the pass with small talk or just plain lack of any relationship, BUT there are those precious times when God is present and two believers get to join together in pursuing God and His Will. I treasure those's only too bad they aren't more frequent.

My fear is that I dominate a conversation and don't listen as much as talk. The fervent spirit in me just gets so out of control that there is actually a kindred spirit that understands what it feels that it just upchucks all over them. Excuse the language.

I pray that God would continue to humble me to allow my fellow believers room to share their faith and to shut my mouth to see what God may be trying to tell me. I am sorry God for not letting you speak to me and for interupting you. I know you know I love you, but again you find me, lacking.

God bless you all.....keep up the fight out and you will find....knock on those doors, they will be openend!!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Beware of False Prophets...

1John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Luke 6:26 Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets.

Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible.

Revelation 13:11 Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon.

A warning of deception, disguising itself as a "prophet" of God...Talking like a lamb, but if examined giving a false gospel.....Jesus said His followers and prophets would preach two things:

This is what is written: The Christ will suffer, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all nations…Luke 24:46-47

Jesus declared a two part message, repentance and forgiveness of sins would be preached. I wonder today if the repentance part is being left out by false prophets. It seems you can hear many gospels of "Gain is Godliness" or the "Gospel of Prosperity." Many gospels which appeal to the selfishness of man by offering salvation and heaven with no cost on their part. Even Jesus declared we should count the cost of being a disciple. If a man goes to build a house and doesn't count the cost of materials and only ends up with enough money for a basement, that is rather foolish. Rather we are told to count the cost of picking up our cross and following Jesus. The cost is our selfish life.

Jesus never held back the truth of what was expected of His followers. Have we been so deceived that we can not tell the church of Christ from the world anymore? Is that Satan's plan to infiltrate and muddy up Christianity from the inside? When we walk out of the doors on Sunday are we sanctified or separated at all from the rest of the world, or do our lives look just like the worlds?

I think most of you would agree. It looks to me like the church today is very good at preaching the positive part of the Gospel. But it also looks like the gospel has been compromised by remitting the preaching of repentance. Of which, repentance is our part, that is what we are to do on our side of the deal. Sure there are thousands being saved by the preaching of forgiveness with no change in our current life...who wouldn't take that deal. I am going to heaven and all I have to do is walk down the isle and pray a prayer and I am done? They don't even know why they need to be "saved." No! Repent from your wicked ways and walk with the merciful Savior. Yes, there was an act that righted all wrongs 2000 years ago, BUT you choose Him every day, not just one day....and Yes you must fight and put yourself to death walking it out with Him every day. The Holy Spirit will convict you and expect you to yield. We are expected to daily submit and surrender to God's will.

Pick up your cross and follow me....notice he did not say you are forgiven go do whatever you want....NO....repent and put yourself to death daily.

Jesus told the woman at the well.....Go and Sin no More!
Jesus told us, be perfect as my Father in heaven is perfect.....which means-repent and be like Him!

We are aliens and strangers here in temporal tents...If one is never told and understands their sin and their need for Jesus, why would they pick up their cross? If we think we are just good little people, why do we need a Savior? If we haven't seen our wretchedness, why do we need grace? I tell you the truth, if we don't start getting convicted to preach on the sinfulness of men and give understanding to the people in the church buildings, we will never see a revival that roots deep in the heart of God. We are all sinners and deserve the wrath of hell...there is not one who can stand under the righteousness of God....

I can't say I have ever sat in a church building where the pastor told the congregation that they were wretches and deserved hell...Well, WHY NOT??? Is it not the truth? Who are we serving, man or God? Why would we compromise God's Word and truth? Are we afraid of offending people with the truth? Again I ask, who is the church serving, God or man's pride?

If we have more people coming in the door of our buildings, because we are compromising the truth, do we really think God will honor that? Shouldn't we be more concerned with what God wants preached rather than what man wants preached?

Man's sin and fallen state is a basic foundational truth that without that understanding the whole rest of Christianity is not able to live. Jesus commanded a two part gospel, death and resurrection...we have to see the need for our own death, the need for Jesus' death, before we can be resurrected. This is the message throughout the's need for repentance, man's need to humble himself before God, man's inherent flaw that he continues to sin and sin and sin...If anyone is offended by this, examine your own heart, is it not your story and mine just as much as any???? Can we be that honest with others?

A gospel preached without repentance that only focuses on the selfish things we get out of the cross and out of Jesus IS a false gospel. There is a cost, and it needs to be told.

I know I need a Savior. My faith is weak and does not stand up to trials and temptations. I lose self control in front of my dinner plate and find myself suffering after a meal from gorging myself. I buy that extra Starbucks when I know I don't need it. I catch myself looking too long at things I should not. These things are what drive me to Jesus, my desperate need for Him and the realization of how bad that state that I am in without His love, patience, understanding, and resurrection! So great the grace of Jesus! What a Savior that opens His arms and delights every time I turn away from me and look to Him! What greater love is there than this love?

I urge you all to test the spirits of what you are hearing, make sure you are not buying into a false that leads you into the ways of the world, into selfish gain. If it is just puffing you up into a false sense of security that everyone is good and only good things happen to good people. That God just wants you to be good, that you are ok, that you deserve prosperity and blessings. Be afraid of those who believe too much in the power of man without God. Man's ways are foolishness to God's ways. Test it to see if it is Scriptural, test it to see if Jesus would have said it, test it to see if the Holy Spirit inside you finds it true...

I invite you all, please let me know if any of this sounds untrue or unscriptural...I have been known to make mistakes...but I really have felt God speaking this to me for the last few months now...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Death to Life

This song has meant a lot to me, thought I would share. Check it out:
You can left click to listen or you can right click to save target as to put in your music library.

Here are the lyrics to go with it...

Death to Life

Baptized in Christ
into His death
that we might walk
in newness of life
set free from sin
now slaves to righteousness
raised from the dead
by the glory of the Lord

You are the resurrection
And the Life
He who believes in You
Will never die
You are the resurrection
And the life
He who believes in you
Has passed from death to life

Body of sin
Buried with Him
He who dies
is freed from their sin
Sin shall not be
A master over me
I’m under grace
And I have been set free

You are the resurrection
And the Life
He who believes in You
Will never die
You are the resurrection
And the life
He who believes in you
Has passed from death to life

Baptized in Christ
into His death,
that we might walk
in newness of life
Set free from sin,
now slaves to righteousness
Raised from the dead
by the glory of the Lord!
Body of sin,
buried with Him
He who dies
is freed from their sin
Sin shall not be
a master over me.
I’m under grace,
and I have been set free!

You are the resurrection,
And the Life
He who believes in You
Will never die.
You are the resurrection,
And the life
He who believes in you
has passed from death to life!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Then why are we here?

A young man posed this question to me last night when talking about following Jesus and being different than the rest of the world, about sanctification: "Then why are we here, if we are not to enjoy it?"

Wow, a very difficult question. I encourage all of you to search your soul on that one. What is it to you?

I cannot but come back to, it is God pursuing us for a relationship. It is God deserately hoping for us to turn to Him, acknowledge Him, submit our lives for Him, and to Love Him will all we have. It is the greatest commandment, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength."

And as Jesus has shown us the perfect example of love, to lay down your life for others....So we are called to die to self, die to our own control, die to our sin, and so that we may truly be able to get ourself out of the way to love Him UNSELFISHLY, since that is what happens when the self is dead.......................It is love man, a wonderful, glorious love.

So, what is it to you?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A kingdom of opposites

To have life, you must lose your life Matthew 10:39
If you want to be first in the kingdom, you must be the very last Mark 9:35
The greatest in the kingdom of God will be servant of all (Out of Mark 9:35 as well)
The King of the Universe, road into town on a donkey Mark 11:10
Love your enemy Matthew 5:44
In the Kingdom of Heaven...The last will be first and the first will be last (Luke 13:30)
To truly love, you must put your flesh to death
To obtain wisdom, fear the Lord Proverbs 9:10 (Previously posted on)

Amazing, mind-blowing words from talk about flipping the world of religious experts and laymen upside down...Many in that day did not see that coming. The king we were expecting to be great and powerful and he's riding on a donkey, has no beauty, no physical strength, no money, and no army???? Who is this man who claims to be the Son of God??? And he is going to let us kill and mame Him? He is going to lay down His life when He could call the clouds to reign down fire on us? He is going to serve us rather than conquer us? Humble Himself instead of exalt and assert the position of King in the land?

Yeah....makes you think! What are we expecting from Jesus? Do we expect to be lifted up, rule this material world? Do we wish to be served? Are we looking to be last? Are we seeking humility and humbleness? Are we seeking to be a servant to our wife, our family, our friends?

Just some things to meditate on this evening........It's been on my mind for a week or so now...God as He usual does pounds something into my tiny brain many times before I start to really catch on. So often I want big things, I wanna conquer the world for Jesus, when sometimes all He may be asking is to serve a single person, to show some love to someone having a bad day, to smile at the person that hates his job and cheer him up.

I was reflecting on Job while thinking of humility. Job was pretty sure of himself, even the Bible said he was the most righteous thing going. Job was so confident he faced God and argued his righteousness and that none of the terrible things that happened to him were justifiable and he wanted answers from the most high. Well, as it turns out...The Lord did answer this man who was so confident and proud of his righteousness, in his own abilities...
The Lord said, "Where were you when I laid the earths foundation? Tell me, if you understand Wo marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! ....See Job 38 to read the rest of what God had to say to little mortal man who overstepped what he thought he was.....Sounds like valid questions from God, who are we to question God???? Who are we to think we can stand on our own merit? What do we really know?


Saturday, August 11, 2007

Amazing Grace

The longer I am a Christian, the more I realize...It's more than just a one day conversion and we don't need Jesus anymore...It's more than just choosing Jesus one day of our life 3 years ago. It's choosing Jesus and relying on Him to supply us bread daily. It's seeking His will every day. It's seeking His grace, every day. It's picking up our cross and carrying it until the death of self is complete. It's taking step after step with that cross following Jesus.

I ran smack into a brick wall this weekend. The more I fight against my flesh. The more I strive to be "perfect, as my Father in heaven is perfect." The more I listen to Jesus say, "Go and sin no more." I can't even do good without being prideful about the good that I do. I can't keep the least of His commands. I fail to do what Jesus has asked of me. I realize, I deserve death, but Christ, He deserves my life...for what He did for me. Maybe if I can get myself out of the way enough, He just might be able to do something good, something genuine through me.

I am broken with failure asking for forgiveness for what I fight not to do. Not to run to my Savior asking for forgiveness for what I have asked for many times in the past. Oh how great your Mercy Lord! Oh how glorious, the love you have to wait on me to journey farther with you, to give you total access to me. That I may fully submit all areas of my life. That you may remake me into what you will. My patience for myself grows thin. I can't bear to fail you. Please take this poor sinners life and make it into something, something that brings glory and honor to your name.

Unimaginable, unfathomable...your love! Did you know when you asked of us, what you asked? Did you know the difficulty of what you asked? I think you probably did. So much failure, to strive to be like my Jesus. So much pain, when I fall so short. So much different than what I am, to serve and not to be served, to seek humility and humbleness rather than prop myself up with pride for everyone to look at. Why does it feel like everyone but me has it altogether? Why does it feel like I'm the only one who struggles to follow you? Why does it seem like everyone at church has it altogether?

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me....I once was lost, but now, I'm found...was blind, but now I see so clearly...Halleluah, grace like rain falls down on me. All my stains are washed away. Thank you Lord, for stepping down out of heaven to offer the only life line that can save me...You with me, every day, leading me through this journey, gazing into my eyes letting me know, everything will be alright, one day.........

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fishers of Men

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

I just have to sing the praise of God for you all tonight!

I have been praying these past days for my mission largest mission field is my work. In the last 2 weeks God is blowing me away on a continual basis with opportunities to serve Him! So much pain it causes me to talk to some of my customers. For example, I was talking about the heat with a customer and he starts joking and laughing about how when we are in hell that we will be much hotter than that! Him and his coworkers just laughed their little heads off about that. As you may guess, I did not find it funny. Rather it cuts my heart to hear someone not care about their eternity. At any moment we could be cut off from this life and only by grace are we offered another 24 hours. There are many people I meet that seem to laugh at eternity...Keep in mind I am in and out of mechanics garages, but I fear the rest of the world is probably no different than this. Add in a few degrading comments about women and that makes a day for me.

But, as I said, I have been in pain so naturally, I have also been in prayer for them. Halleluah, God has answered that He cares too and He has orchestrated so many opportunities to talk about Jesus and eternity with many people I had never dreamed of talking to.

From a practical prespective, I have really noticed the fishing aspect of sharing Christ with others. Very similar you throw out your lines and test the water a few times with different Jesus code words to see if you can get a reaction, so that one is not too pushy OR you listen for Jesus code words...But sometimes I am finding it necessary to grab a harpoon and throw that sucker!!!! Best of all, one day I would like to have such faith that Jesus asks me to lower my net where I thought I had fished all that was there, but low and behold a whole net full comes over flowing in!

I encourage you all in your workplaces to pay attention to the people around you. Are you imitating them and their attitudes, language, humor, morality or lack there of, and the like? Or are you trying to be different, to be a light in dark places, to be like Jesus? Do you feel pain when you see someone struggling with addiction, broken homes, violence, or impurity? If you do, believe me, God cares too and He is hurting. His heart is broken giving grace to all of us waiting for us to turn to Him. If you feel the pain, then pray for them...but be forewarned a prayer in God's will like that will come to pass, so be ready to reap a harvest.

The funny thing about all this is I can confidently sit back and give God all the credit. None of this has happened except by prayer. It's not that I am so good at witnessing, because I am really bad at it...I am too exciteable and get going off on tangents...mostly I'm impatient to slow down and listen...(You should know that by reading this blog!) But oh!, when God starts working, my job is hands off and it's just allowing Him to conduct the day and pray that He can penetrate my dense brain well enough for me to know where to fish.

What are your thoughts on witnessing for Christ?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Fear of the Lord

Ever had one of those times that God just keeps pounding the same message to you everywhere you look?

Well, I am having one of those times with a key word, "fear." When I was first reborn, there was a certain Scripture that caught my attention, because I could not understand what it meant. It developped a certain curiosity and found a place in my heart. I just felt it was important, for some "unknown reason." Following is that Scripture:

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

I am curious what your guys thoughts are on this particular Proverb and I shall keep what it has meant to me after I hear from you...... Also, another passage to just meditate on along the same train of thought:

Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Cross

The following excerpt from Tozer, God has used in my life to tear down probably my biggest strong hold of sin in my life. I hope God can use it for you as He did for me:

The old cross is a symbol of death. It stands for the abrupt, violent end of a human being. The man in Roman times who took up his cross and started down the road had already said good bye to his friends. He was not coming back. He was going out to have it ended. The cross made no compromise, modified nothing, spared nothing; it slew all of the man, completely and for good. It did not try to keep on good terms with its victim. It struck cruel and hard, and when it had finished its work, the man was no more. A.W. Tozer "The Radical Cross"

Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.

May God open our hearts and minds to fully embrace what Jesus Christ has asked us to do. May we understand the grace of Jesus who willingly laid down His life for us, so that we may have new life in Him. So glorious what Jesus has done. God inside us. BUT, will we deny ourselves and have our own life ended on the cross?

Everyone wants to go to heaven. That sounds so great. But who wants to have their life dismantled and torn apart by the cross? How many come to hear the good news and never give up the old way of life? How much does the church today cater to only entertaining this individual? When do we tell them what is involved? How many run right back to sin again and again? Who has been made a new creation by Jesus? Who is striving to be put to death like their Savior? I do not have the answers nor claim to. I do know that the truth of Chrisitanity is, carrying a cross and A.W. Tozer paints us a vivid image of what that looks like.

Jesus who Himself was meek, humble, and riding into town on a donkey comes to us as friends to show us the only way. He lived it and displayed how it is to be done. He has not forced this on us, he has not tricked us. He was plain and shared with us, if we would come, he never commanded we come. We have the option. We must stand at the foot of the cross and decide, is what Jesus did for me, worthy enough for me to decide to follow Him, knowing where that takes me, to my own cross? Is a right standing before God Almighty the Perfect and Holy One important to me, to have my sins remembered no more? Or do I chose to simply make my life a means to self-pleasure?

When a man left Rome with a cross, he did not go back. God bring us to our knees with a new revelation of your Face, that we will not go back to our old ways. Reveal yourself to us, that we may have enough to do what You have commanded. The life we leave behind reckon it dead. The old man we used to be was full of pride, let us walk away with cross in hand. As you walked. Let's leave it all behind and press on to the cross.

Oh Lord, that you would make us humble and meek, and set us on our way to death to self. I give you all permission and offer myself of my own free will to be put to death, because the love you have shown me offers me no other way but to trust you through this thing.

That we may enjoy You forever and ever, that we may see beyond calvary!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Repenting from being a Pharisee

Matthew 5:3-10 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

I have talked with some of you of my recent experience of repenting from being a Pharisee. I would like to share more.

About 1 month ago, I had a parting of the way with some very close friends. The division was based on a set of laws created by people. I was following my conscience and praying for guidance, but that did not seem to matter to these individuals. They had laws in place and they could not believe the Spirit within a man to be trustworthy enough to follow. Well, if we cannot rely on God inside of us, then we have totally lost anything of value in what it means to be a Christian. Jesus in you.

God also revealed to me that I too had participated in being a rule book, judgemental, proud Pharisee. I am sorry for this. If I have uttered any words to any of you that were out of place, please accept my apology.

Rather than pride and thinking I have it all figured out. God taught me HUMILITY. What a great word. God has also told me that I am an idiot. Which at first glance seems harsh, but I urge you to consider: It is not I that carry wisdom, love, and purity-but the One who is in me possesses all wisdom beyond measure. So I can say Blessed are the poor and humble and broken in spirit, because when we are weak and empty; that is when we are strong. In our humbleness we are lifted up, not in our pride.

To futher that cause, I have nothing to claim of my own even my intellect...But God is responsible for very thoughts are His.

So, whether or not calling yourself an idiot is the right word. It works for me and keeps me in a humble stance; where I am able to love all the people God places in my life.

I just love those words...poverty of spirit. It is so freeing to know we don't have to seek greatness and be proud if we are great, but rather we should seek to think much less of ourselves and let God do the work. Because afterall, he is all powerful, all knowing, all loving, and more than capable, if we believe.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Aliens and Strangers here

Hebrews 11:13-16
All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country-a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

This scripture fits how I am feeling. I can not but say it is lonely out there in my sales job week in and week out. I meet many people. Many people with all kinds of problems, many people who are lost. Many people I wish knew my Savior Jesus Christ. Sometimes it feels so alien to cling onto Jesus when everyone I seem to talk to in regular life knows nothing about Him.

I have been praying for them. I see the traps they are stuck in. I see the pitfalls they are in. I know because I used to be in them.

My hope is this blog can reach out to other followers of Christ who are searching for that city on a hill. I would like to be frank and open and real with people. So lonely it can be being a follower of Christ with convictions, when all the world seems to have no conviction, no values. If you understand what I mean, I beg you to share with me, with others, here. Let us walk hand in hand, thought in thought.

I am tired of wearing the masks. I would like to be open and real with fellow believers. I think a little company on this journey through foreign land to our celestial one can only encourage us onward together........To ensure we all reach it together. I can think of nothing more important than assurance of people you care about spending eternity with you.....

Have you felt like an alien or a stranger here in this life? Please share.....

Hebrews 11 is one of my favorite passages. It fits exactly what I feel like a lot of the time. An additional thought I would like to leave you with-
Have you ever pictured the country the Israelites left in Egypt? Moses leading Israel out of slavery to Egypt and breaking the bondage of the ways of Egypt upon the people. Just as Jesus has freed us from slavery to this current world and it's slavery to money or sex or pride, making us aliens to it's ways, just as the Israelites were now strangers seeking a new life somewhere better. So we are strangers journeying through the wilderness of this world looking for our heavenly city, just like Canan was to the Israelites in the wilderness, we shall find a land flowing with milk and honey. A paradise where we spend eternity with our Creator!

Just a thought.......
May we all flee from worldly pursuits and pursue the one worthy pursuit...God.

See ya guys,
I encourage any communication.