Thursday, November 22, 2007


I am blown away with what God does in my life. I am now 3 years having been reborn a Christian and I wonder how I could not see God, when He was just as active in my life for the first 25 years as now. I regret that I did not see God so clearly as now. Just think about that, 25 years of living and I was completely oblivious to God. Looking back now, I can clearly see God moving in my life. But alas, I was so focused looking inwardly at myself, I was unable to see Him working outside me and all around me.

One day God intersected my path with a Christian that lived out his faith day by day. He did not profess he was a Chrisitan and make it a label only, but he acted funny (Not in a ha, ha way) but in an alien kind of way. To me he just did not belong among the sorts of people I had known. He was patient and kind. Funny, oh yes, he was. But most of all he lived a higher standard and did not step down to join in the office filth. His language was clean and he spoke in a strange dialect. Now I can recollect, that what he spoke was the truth. He spoke the gospel of peace and love, from our loving Saviour, who has risen above. To me a friend he did become. It was friendship that brought me to a saving faith. That one I knew looked like Jesus saved by grace, changed my heart and selfish ways. So yes today I must proclaim, "I am thankful, indeed, that Christ still saves."

Thank you God for people like Carl and all those courageous Christians you have placed in my life. Thank you that there are those who lay down their life and give their all for the kingdom that is to come. Thank you for love. Thank you for answering prayer and thank you for taking the smallest things we do and making them huge for your glory. Thank you for others in my own family that have stepped closer to the Lord in recent time. May there be much more of that and even strangers I don't know well!

May there be many more like me that become thankful for people like Carl. May we all walk out and be the church not just attend the church. So the lost will see the hope to which we are called, a transformed life, shining like stars.

Every day I have now I am thankful. I delight in waiting on God for answers to His will. I am amazed with the people I seem to encounter and discourse with. So many messages come funneling in through one book after another that just seem to hit my hands at the "right" time to meet me where I am at to help me along my journey with God. Excited I am to see what God has for the future. It is a mystery to me that God would want me and be willing to guide me, may I be so willing to guide others that are undeserving just like me.

God grow my love and let it abound without end, like your Son that showed us where to begin.

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