Saturday, December 22, 2007

This Christmas, The Best Christmas

There is a need this season, as there is always that stubborn need. That need which sticks around all year for the families living in poverty. On such a commercial celebration as is Christmas, the poor feel especially left out for they have nothing to give. Those that have no gifts for their children and are planning on making a visit to the hospital with a parent dying from cancer. There is much cause for all children with gifts under the tree and parents who can give them to be joyful and thankful to God Almighty that they should have such a privilege. I know there are many who do not have such a joy. Their worries are not if they have the latest xbox or the coolest clothes, but if they have diapers because they have no means of getting any more without some form of charity from someone who cares.

This Christmas has been the best for me personally. God continues to answer my prayer to use me for His will. There was a need for 27 pairs of shoes for a Christmas gift for less fortunate neighbors in my community. There was a fund raising of the expected funds required for such a gift. By a miracle from heaven, God provided a half price sale the day we just happened to make our purchase by no planning or knowledge on our part. God gave 43 pairs of shoes that day. There were 18 apartments where children have 1 additional reason this year to know they are loved and 18 sets of parents out there know someone cares about them as well.

I think I am hooked on walking with the Lord. I am beginning to see that there is no other way for me. I can find no other fulfillment. I can imagine nothing I would rather do. Who would not want to restore justice in the world? Who would not want to stand up for truth? Who would not want to love others no matter who they are or what they've done to you? Who would not want to do what is right? Where else can you do those things? I have found no other place than this faith.

Where else can my heart be opened up and exposed to people close to me? Where else do you find people who care about life, about family, about community, about marriage, about saving babies from being murdered, about helping the poor, about respecting parents, about respecting women for more than just looks, or for raising the bar on morality? Where else can you prepare for eternity if not in the faith? Where else can we turn but to Jesus Christ? He opened the way for us to follow, which leads us into all those things, such as truth, justice, morality. If we pursue any of those things by themselves, we are pursuing a part of Him, a part of divine things. Those absolute good things are divine, they are heavenly and they are only shadows cast on a wall here on planet Earth. But just because they are shadows here, some say they don't exist. They say truth is relative, you decide for yourself what is true. Just because the shadows are not real does not mean there is not something on the other side of heaven, which is real and does exist, casting those shadows. And anyhow, I would rather die with principles and dreams that I chased and pursued than to die with not having stood up for anything I believed in. If a man firmly believes that life is about partying, sex, drugs, and having excessive material goods....Then let him have all of it he wants, at least he is following what he believes. But if a man catch a glimpse of the possibility that there are things of a divine nature here that can be pursued and lived upon and he not pursue what he believes to exist, than shame on him.

All that to say, I am happy this Christmas. I believe I am more happy, joyful and fulfilled than I have ever been in my life. Thank you Jesus for paving the way. And I look to the future with anticipation for whatever may come my way. Even if it be difficulty and trouble, I look forward to pursuing the truth and living by my convictions for all of my life.

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