Saturday, November 10, 2007

Set your Gaze upon God!

O Loving-Kindness so old and still so new, I have been too late of loving Thee. You are young, my brethren; profit therefore I beseech you from my confession, that I cared too little to employ my early years for God. Consecrate all yours to His love. If I had only known Him sooner, if I had only had someone tell me then what I am telling you, I should not have so long delayed in loving Him. Believe me, count as lost each day you have not used in loving God.

Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God

How many days have I wasted? How much time, how many moments? God stands with open arms every day, every moment hoping for all to seek Him, trust Him, to do His will. I think it is too easy to have too much radio, tv, internet, music, worship services, sermons, work to do, and phone calls to make, AND we can do it all without ever having fixed our souls gaze onto God Almighty. We can do so many things but never be in love with God. We can have so many things coming into our ears and eyes but never take the time in silence to enter into the presence of Almighty God. I declare all things a waste of time if the person involved never enters into the presence of God. After all, that is what this personal relationship with God is. The opportunity through grace that God has wanted us to spend time with Him. That we can find our peace and direction and strength from time with Him.

The words that live on past a life. The words that echo through time announcing the truths of God. Words of life, the Living Word Jesus Christ Himself. So precious are these Words that point us back to God.

One of the things Brother Lawrence based his life on was a continual practice of focusing his thoughts on God, of communing with God continually throughout the day while working. He saw it rather strange to separate out a prayer time from any other time, as God is more than capable of being with us always. I quite agree. But I find myself struggling to attain such a communion with God.

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