Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fishers of Men

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

I just have to sing the praise of God for you all tonight!

I have been praying these past days for my mission largest mission field is my work. In the last 2 weeks God is blowing me away on a continual basis with opportunities to serve Him! So much pain it causes me to talk to some of my customers. For example, I was talking about the heat with a customer and he starts joking and laughing about how when we are in hell that we will be much hotter than that! Him and his coworkers just laughed their little heads off about that. As you may guess, I did not find it funny. Rather it cuts my heart to hear someone not care about their eternity. At any moment we could be cut off from this life and only by grace are we offered another 24 hours. There are many people I meet that seem to laugh at eternity...Keep in mind I am in and out of mechanics garages, but I fear the rest of the world is probably no different than this. Add in a few degrading comments about women and that makes a day for me.

But, as I said, I have been in pain so naturally, I have also been in prayer for them. Halleluah, God has answered that He cares too and He has orchestrated so many opportunities to talk about Jesus and eternity with many people I had never dreamed of talking to.

From a practical prespective, I have really noticed the fishing aspect of sharing Christ with others. Very similar you throw out your lines and test the water a few times with different Jesus code words to see if you can get a reaction, so that one is not too pushy OR you listen for Jesus code words...But sometimes I am finding it necessary to grab a harpoon and throw that sucker!!!! Best of all, one day I would like to have such faith that Jesus asks me to lower my net where I thought I had fished all that was there, but low and behold a whole net full comes over flowing in!

I encourage you all in your workplaces to pay attention to the people around you. Are you imitating them and their attitudes, language, humor, morality or lack there of, and the like? Or are you trying to be different, to be a light in dark places, to be like Jesus? Do you feel pain when you see someone struggling with addiction, broken homes, violence, or impurity? If you do, believe me, God cares too and He is hurting. His heart is broken giving grace to all of us waiting for us to turn to Him. If you feel the pain, then pray for them...but be forewarned a prayer in God's will like that will come to pass, so be ready to reap a harvest.

The funny thing about all this is I can confidently sit back and give God all the credit. None of this has happened except by prayer. It's not that I am so good at witnessing, because I am really bad at it...I am too exciteable and get going off on tangents...mostly I'm impatient to slow down and listen...(You should know that by reading this blog!) But oh!, when God starts working, my job is hands off and it's just allowing Him to conduct the day and pray that He can penetrate my dense brain well enough for me to know where to fish.

What are your thoughts on witnessing for Christ?

1 comment:

Aaron Ireland said...

I can relate to this. I am in a simialr situation. Currently working for an industrial tool outlet, and came off the road to work internally just before Christmas. I have found that the best defence is a strong offence, but the challenge is to demonstrate the love of Christ, of whom it is said that his love is made manifest, in that "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

Simple little things, like when they use that "Seinfield" logic, by referring to their sin and adding "Nothing wrong with that", and replying "Of course there is ... Well, sorry, but there is." The art is in reassuring them that you love them in spite of there sin, even though you refuse to tolerate it.

Quite a tightrope walk indeed. That God for His grace.