Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A kingdom of opposites

To have life, you must lose your life Matthew 10:39
If you want to be first in the kingdom, you must be the very last Mark 9:35
The greatest in the kingdom of God will be servant of all (Out of Mark 9:35 as well)
The King of the Universe, road into town on a donkey Mark 11:10
Love your enemy Matthew 5:44
In the Kingdom of Heaven...The last will be first and the first will be last (Luke 13:30)
To truly love, you must put your flesh to death
To obtain wisdom, fear the Lord Proverbs 9:10 (Previously posted on)

Amazing, mind-blowing words from Jesus...you talk about flipping the world of religious experts and laymen upside down...Many in that day did not see that coming. The king we were expecting to be great and powerful and he's riding on a donkey, has no beauty, no physical strength, no money, and no army???? Who is this man who claims to be the Son of God??? And he is going to let us kill and mame Him? He is going to lay down His life when He could call the clouds to reign down fire on us? He is going to serve us rather than conquer us? Humble Himself instead of exalt and assert the position of King in the land?

Yeah....makes you think! What are we expecting from Jesus? Do we expect to be lifted up, rule this material world? Do we wish to be served? Are we looking to be last? Are we seeking humility and humbleness? Are we seeking to be a servant to our wife, our family, our friends?

Just some things to meditate on this evening........It's been on my mind for a week or so now...God as He usual does pounds something into my tiny brain many times before I start to really catch on. So often I want big things, I wanna conquer the world for Jesus, when sometimes all He may be asking is to serve a single person, to show some love to someone having a bad day, to smile at the person that hates his job and cheer him up.

I was reflecting on Job while thinking of humility. Job was pretty sure of himself, even the Bible said he was the most righteous thing going. Job was so confident he faced God and argued his righteousness and that none of the terrible things that happened to him were justifiable and he wanted answers from the most high. Well, as it turns out...The Lord did answer this man who was so confident and proud of his righteousness, in his own abilities...
The Lord said, "Where were you when I laid the earths foundation? Tell me, if you understand Wo marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! ....See Job 38 to read the rest of what God had to say to little mortal man who overstepped what he thought he was.....Sounds like valid questions from God, who are we to question God???? Who are we to think we can stand on our own merit? What do we really know?


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