Sunday, August 19, 2007

Death to Life

This song has meant a lot to me, thought I would share. Check it out:
You can left click to listen or you can right click to save target as to put in your music library.

Here are the lyrics to go with it...

Death to Life

Baptized in Christ
into His death
that we might walk
in newness of life
set free from sin
now slaves to righteousness
raised from the dead
by the glory of the Lord

You are the resurrection
And the Life
He who believes in You
Will never die
You are the resurrection
And the life
He who believes in you
Has passed from death to life

Body of sin
Buried with Him
He who dies
is freed from their sin
Sin shall not be
A master over me
I’m under grace
And I have been set free

You are the resurrection
And the Life
He who believes in You
Will never die
You are the resurrection
And the life
He who believes in you
Has passed from death to life

Baptized in Christ
into His death,
that we might walk
in newness of life
Set free from sin,
now slaves to righteousness
Raised from the dead
by the glory of the Lord!
Body of sin,
buried with Him
He who dies
is freed from their sin
Sin shall not be
a master over me.
I’m under grace,
and I have been set free!

You are the resurrection,
And the Life
He who believes in You
Will never die.
You are the resurrection,
And the life
He who believes in you
has passed from death to life!

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