Monday, August 27, 2007

Too much passion?

Sometimes I believe I get too excited about God. Sometimes I feel this overwhelming explosion of passion welling up on the inside when I meet someone that I can talk to "deeply" about God. Talking about His church, about His people, about whats going on at large in spiritual matters, about what He is doing and has done. There are so many times the pathway to deep conversations about God are blocked or cut off at the pass with small talk or just plain lack of any relationship, BUT there are those precious times when God is present and two believers get to join together in pursuing God and His Will. I treasure those's only too bad they aren't more frequent.

My fear is that I dominate a conversation and don't listen as much as talk. The fervent spirit in me just gets so out of control that there is actually a kindred spirit that understands what it feels that it just upchucks all over them. Excuse the language.

I pray that God would continue to humble me to allow my fellow believers room to share their faith and to shut my mouth to see what God may be trying to tell me. I am sorry God for not letting you speak to me and for interupting you. I know you know I love you, but again you find me, lacking.

God bless you all.....keep up the fight out and you will find....knock on those doors, they will be openend!!!

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