Sunday, October 14, 2007

Whats it like?

This is what I see as I walk through a neighborhood today:

Young children playing on a swing set. Two feet from their play lies broken glass mixed with trash. Looks like someone carelessly left it on the ground. Walking through the neighborhood I spy several individuals that look like trouble. Not too far ahead are some more children at play with a young mother swinging her daughter. As I get closer, I can't help but notice the curse words spray painted on the side of the playgrounds slide. The young child is innocently swinging beside it. A young man comes riding his bicycle along the sidewalk. The coat he is wearing comes down to his ankles and he drowns in the coat. A thought runs through my mind, how do these kids stand a chance?

Mark 10:14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

The children are innocent. Sure some of the people in this neighborhood made bad choices. Sure some people abuse the system. But don't forget, some people had a bad turn of events. Some of these people are good people on hard times. And some of these people need a little love. Jesus told us: these kids are innocent and are willing to love no holds barred. As we grow older we loose that innocent affection we so freely gave as kids. My heart goes out to these kids growing up in a place they did not choose. I wonder to myself, what would I be this day if I grew up a tough place like this?

I would like to make known to all followers of Christ. There are opportunities in all communities to touch the less fortunate. There are people with problems you and I never have to consider. There are kids and adults who have a sparkle in their eye. Come with me to the Kokomo Urban Outreach and spend some time with these kids. Their eyes sparkle with a hope. There is something that does not see all the junk they live in, it rises above it. It hopes. It loves. It wants to be loved. Whatever that thing is, Jesus was knew it was there. These kids haven't given up yet.... There is an opportunity to impact them with caring. Are you willing to care? As a community, we should wrap our arms around them.

There is something in the air theses days that I am hearing. God is calling us from all different denominations to come together and affect Kokomo for Christ. There is one creed, Christ. There is opportunity. Will you help? Will you walk like you talk? Will you do like you say you believe?

Kokomo Urban Outreach Sunday 4 P.M. - 6 P.M. Location: Trinity United Methodist
North 1 block off Hoffer on Locke Street. Email me if you have any questions

If you have any input or a heart for any of these issues, there are also opportunitites to get involved in addressing these things to: Public transportation, Mentoring/getting in schools, Youth/kids opportunities, and Food assistance

God guide us how to best love this city......

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