Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Love your neighbor as Yourself

I often wonder about love. The Bible says, "No greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13)." Elsewhere we find, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37)."
I hope one day I can love like Jesus, like God, loved us. A sacrificial love that has no regard for the self. I long for a total abandonment of flesh for true love. The law of the Lord our God can be made so simple, with one word, Love. So simple yet it can be so hard.
When I love, I dedicate my time and energy to whom I am loving. This blog is my love to encourage others onward with Christ. My love for God, that He would have His will done. Oh, if we as Chrisitians could just become more loving. Can you imagine the dysfunction in families that would disappear when love ruled in the household? Can you imagine what would happen to the divorce rate if husband and wife started loving each other with the love of Christ? Jesus has brought us new life. A life that doesn't have to be dysfunctional with people close to you, but rather we can truly, truly start to love and heal our families. We can heal this city. We can heal this state. We can heal this country, with love.
Love can tear down the fatherless families and help them to be loving fathers again. Love can remove the need for drug addiction. Love can lift up the widow and the poor. Oh may we have a little more love. When things get to complicated, keep it simple....Accept the love of Christ. Accept forgiveness for your pride, selfishness, and sin. Accept the mercy that was extended when none was worthy to receive a sacrifice of Jesus life, in love for us while we were still in sin and dead to God. Then go and love, give back what you received for others to KNOW HIM! Share the love Jesus suffered to give to us.

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