Saturday, September 15, 2007

Christian Perfection

John Wesley:
To explain myself a little further on this head (Chrisitan perfection): (1) Not only sin, properly so called, (that is, a voluntary transgression of a known law,) but sin, improperly so called, (that is, an involuntary transgression of a divine law, known or unknown,) needs the atoning blood. (2) I believe there is no such perfection in this life as excludes these involuntary transgressions which I apprehend to be naturally consequent on the ignorance and mistakes inseperable from mortality. (3) Therefore sinless perfection is a phrase I never use, lest I should seem to contradict myself. (4) I believe, a person filled with the love of God is still liable to these involuntary transgressions. (5) Such transgressions you may call sins, if you please: I do not, for the reasons above-mentioned.
From "A Plain Account of Christian Perfection"

Lord help me to be a man, a Christian, that loves to do your will. Your will in leading me into such a love as to keep me pure and holy in your presence. Give me a fear of you that kepts me from willful sin. Let me walk in your ways. Guide me in your truth. Show me what you want of me, of this life. It is yours anyway. Let me bend my will to yours. Have your way. Give me the strength and wisdom to know when to run from temptation and when to fight. Lord burn away my desires that are not of you.......

Any thoughts on the Wesley passage are welcome....what has God shown you about "sinless perfection" or "christian perfection" As when Jesus said, Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. As Jesus bids us to go and sin no more.

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