Monday, August 6, 2007

Fear of the Lord

Ever had one of those times that God just keeps pounding the same message to you everywhere you look?

Well, I am having one of those times with a key word, "fear." When I was first reborn, there was a certain Scripture that caught my attention, because I could not understand what it meant. It developped a certain curiosity and found a place in my heart. I just felt it was important, for some "unknown reason." Following is that Scripture:

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

I am curious what your guys thoughts are on this particular Proverb and I shall keep what it has meant to me after I hear from you...... Also, another passage to just meditate on along the same train of thought:

Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.


Anonymous said...

That is a challenging question, and I find it interesting that having wisdom is linked to "fear of the Lord." So, it would seem that if I "feared" Him more, I might have the wisdom to better understand this passage.

When I was younger, I was taught that fearing the Lord meant having a reverence or respect for Him. With that in mind, "fear of the Lord" is most completely demonstrated by a life fully submitted to Him. Out of respect for who He is, we should surrender control of our lives to His perfect will.

I wonder if this is one of those instances where the English language fails to completely convey the meaning of the original text. We often equate fear to being scared, and I don't think that was God's intent in this passage. I'm not one to consult when it comes to ancient languages, but maybe one of you smarter guys can research the meaning of the original Greek text.

One more thought before I wrap this up. I find it intriguing that the Bible contains numerous commands to fear the Lord and also numerous commands to "fear not" and to "not be afraid." Again, I wonder if the original text might shed some light on this issue.

He Lifts Me said...

:) Funny how sometimes you have to go down in order to go up?

I was checking different Bible translations, King James and the rest. I didn't get anything new to add from those. I am not one who knows Hebrew to try that route!

Josh said "surrender control of our lives to His perfect will"

Sometimes there can be fear involved in taking our hands off the wheel and trusting someone else "God" to take control for us.......But how that makes one wise is still kind of a puzzle. Unless that is because if we acknowledge it or not, He really is in control, so only a fool would think he was in control of anything anyway????

Maybe we will have some language gurus to add some more light here...

Anonymous said...

Well said.