Thursday, December 24, 2009

Society 911

Alright, I have to confess. I have been watching too much world news lately.

I realize news media emphasize everything thats wrong with everything and we tend to get a skewed picture of what is happening in the world. I understand that, but nonetheless, the injustice bothers me deeply. I imagine there is much justice taking place, many people and organizations accomplishing good things, but I still end up with a bad taste in my mouth.

Are the statistics real? I don't know.

I mean, how can 25,000 children die every day from hunger? (According to UNICEF)
How can 1 billion people not read or write? (UNICEF)
How can 2.6 billion people lack basic water sanitation? (UN)
How can 400 million children not have access to safe water? (UN)

Is this real? How accurate is this information? How can this occur?

I think the hardest thing for me is that I live in such a wealthy country. I live in a country that throws away food. I live in a country where a major health issue is being overweight. Many of my countrymen wake up and take for granted all the luxuries they have that others only dream of possessing (like indoor plumbing and drinkable water). We expand our desires of what we "need" so far beyond what is "needed" that we can find no joy, no satisfaction, with the basic necessities and enjoyments of life. Not only that but we incur debt ourselves to provide things we don't need and only shackle us to years of debt payments and stress should the economy falter.

How did we get here?

I live in a country that has so much technology, so much charity, so much religion, so much opportunity to do something about these issues. Never has the Earth seen such an advanced civilization with the ability to do so much, so fast.

I wonder what would happen if we could improve the conditions of life in these "poor" areas. Would they then face the same issues we face with excess and busyness and no appreciation for what they possessed? Would they lose their souls?

If we improved life in other places, what does that even look like? Who can articulate that? Should we improve it to be like us? If thats the case, I am concerned.

More consumerism isn't healthy, more debt finance isn't healthy, more wealth for the rich and slavery for the poor isn't very noble, more stuff doesn't fill the hole.

Who has the answer, I can think of only one. We all need Christ at the center. I think Christ at the center pulls us altogether. Only then is it not about material things or power or status or false pursuits, only then is it God and loving your neighbor. What if my countryman learned to carry this out with each other then we may shine forth to the world a different way?

But I feel like we get more excited about a sports event than we do about living and sharing the gospel with those that need it.

I feel like we give up and throw our hands up from our continual let downs by our leaders.

Where do we go? What can we do? Isn't that the question?

Thats the question I'm praying about and pondering. That's the question poking my conscience. Then I look around, I look around for one. One near me, where are you. I want to at least be faithful to one when the problems of the world seem so large, there is always one to be it begins with you and me.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Faith with Science

Why does everyone want to paint the view as Faith Versus Science? Why is it necessary to divide up into two different camps and suggest that it is either all or nothing?

Why can't we have faith WITH science?

I mean to me, science only deepens my wonder and awe of God's awesomeness! (Is that a word yet, because it should be?)

Faith in God + DNA = An Amazingly intelligent Creator that could make such a blueprint or code that we are just now beginning to understand. Blueprints aren't written on accident (Ask any architect).

Faith in God + Modern Medical understanding = An Amazingly wonderful creation of man that mankind's brain is so complex we haven't dreamed up anything to match.

Faith in God + Physics = An Amazing universe that doesn't appear to be random at all but is ordered by laws such as gravity, thermodynamics, etc. Its not random chaos, it's ordered brilliance!

Faith in God + Microbiology = An Amazingly complex system in places beyond the human eye in factories called cells.

Why does it have to be Faith VERSUS Science?
I say faith is aided and wonder of the Creator is aided by the findings of science of how ordered, intelligently designed, and complex the universe has been proven to be.

Brain and Heart

"Brains can argue, but it takes heart to comfort."

-Samuel Chadwick

Monday, November 9, 2009

Battle in the Mind

If one is seeking to reform their thought life, where does one begin? How does one do it?

If there are thought patterns that make me cringe when Im looking into the eyes of my Creator, when I look upon His holiness and His righteousness in His Word, then what can I do about it?
How can I defame God by thinking of things that are so worthless and unholy in His sight and then think about Him?

Are we destined to accept failure? Is it acceptable to chalk it up to: "its just human nature; there is nothing I can do about it?"

Or should we choose to think more about God?

What do I mean by think more about God? Like a greater quantity or a greater quality? Both.

First of all, we could work on quality. Pick up a copy of Tozer's Knowledge of the Holy. Then, think about the characteristics of Who God is (His Attributes). Or Pick up a Basic Theology book like: The Faith Once for All by Jack Cottrell. I know this ones a big book, but spend time on just reading and reflecting on God's attributes.

When you start contemplating things like eternity, like infinite love, infinite mercy, infinite holiness, unlimited power, the ability to be everywhere all the time, perfect justice, goodness, and grace, it is inevitable that the thought-life improve. Not to mention the prayer-life. After all, how we think about God matters.

After you exhaust some of God's attributes, you could study some of His primary works: Creation, Providence, and Redemption.

You could spend time studying God's providential work in every person's life all the time throughout history and forever and the wonder of it all.

Or you could spend time studying creation and how God created things out of nothing, that before anything was, God was. That God is totally immaterial and not even on the same plane as angels or other immaterial spirits.

Or you could spend time studying the God-Man Jesus Christ Himself and redemption. Equally human and equally divine. Able to sin and yet not ever choosing it. Sinless perfection choosing the Cross to infinitely cover the infinite punishment which sin calls for. Being God in the flesh only He could infinitely suffer to cover over all sin by one act of sacrifice.

Look, the better the quality one's thoughts of God are, the better the alternative of things to think about someone has. Unless our thoughts attempt to reach as far as our finite minds can reach when approaching God, we are probably not really thinking about God. Think about it, God is infinite and we are finite. By very definition of terms we are incapable of fully grasping something that is infinite by using a finite brain. But this very act gives us something truly worthy to contemplate that can help us not think about things which are truly not worthy.

If we wish to take away or change old thought patterns, you better have something better to fill it with. God is better.

Secondly, quantity matters. Regularity matters. You can't starve yourself of worthy contemplation or you will find something else to contemplate. If we aren't centered on God, we will center somewhere else.

It seems that if the quality of thoughts improves, the quantity won't be far behind. If the quality is better, watch out, you will find yourself enjoying entering into contemplation of God (Which is a form of prayer).

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fill me with your Spirit

Fill me with your Spirit
Fill me with your Spirit
Oh Lord our God
Oh Lord our God
Take away the man
I used to be
Take away my pride
that was in my heart
Take away my lust
that was in my mind
And take my old words
I used to say
And fill my mouth with song
Of your victory
And fill me with your Spirit
Fill me with your Spirit
Oh Lord our God
Oh Lord our God

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why don't we teach Wisdom anymore?

Why is it that public education emphasizes teaching information and not wisdom?

Many cultures still value wisdom, America does not seem to be one of them. Children are taught dates, events, facts, names, numbers, and words.

What happened to teaching right and wrong?

What happened to good and evil?

What happened to how to live well?

What happened to virtue? Why shouldn't a child learn about honesty, justice, chastity, wisdom, prudence, compassion, benevolence, forgiveness, goodness?

If you look up virtue here's what you find in an American Encyclopedia, virtue: extinct when it was discovered there are no exclusive truths to base good upon.

In our society, due to our inability to recognize anything as true, we have paralyzed our ability to be wise as a nation. Our children learn vices rather than virtues. They are taught sloth, lust, gluttony, jealousy, and greed. They sit and watch media that promote such vices and have no exposure to virtue with which to combat.

How is it that we have agreed as a society to promote vices, but we find ourselves unable to teach virtues because there is no standard, no truth upon which to base such a teaching about virtues? I mean, who's virtues would you use? You can't use the Christians virtues because of the Muslims. You can't use the Muslim's virtues because of the Christians. And oh don't forget the Buddhists. Then, how can we agree to promote vices through the popular media? Who made that call and I find it offensive because they have chosen a worldview and standard that idealizes vices :) Obviously, someone has determined a standard, which is no standard and no virtues, only vices are acceptable curriculum?

Why don't we teach Wisdom anymore?

We wonder at the state of America when we flip on Jerry Springer, Montel, People's Court, Cops, or Bridezilla's and why in the world there are so many people that do not seem to have any noticeable wisdom. We chalk it up to the shows paying people to act like they are idiots and putting a show on, but I hate to burst your bubble I don't think its an act.

Why don't we teach Wisdom anymore?

I think people were wiser when they didn't have television. I think people were wiser when they lived off the land, looked at the stars at night, and made a life in their community. Sure, they didn't know all the information we do today, but what good does information do if you have no truth, if you loose mankind? Mankind has a history available to draw out virtues, to draw out truth. Mankind is not mankind if he does not exercise his mind to decipher what is good. For those who deny what is good, they rob man of his soul.

The Cross in All

What's the secret to a happy marriage? The Cross
What's the secret to a deep, life-changing conversation? The Cross
What's the secret to serving others? The Cross
What's the secret to holiness? The Cross
What's the secret to deep friendships? The Cross
What's the secret to positive working relationships? The Cross
What's the secret to listening? The Cross

You might say, "You simply apply the Cross as your answer to everything, how can this be?" "You assert the Cross as some mindless blanket statement for everything."

I would answer, "It simply is."

Think about it.

For a successful marriage relationship, one must die to self and look out for the interest of the other in God.

For a successful conversation where someone is listened to, one must remove self-interest from the conversation and allow the other person to express what needs to come off their heart. Meanwhile, the listener searches for guidance by the Holy Spirit.

For deep friendships, its about them, not us.

For progress in the spiritual life, its about God, not us.

The Cross can be seen as the ever-present reality of successful living.

The Cross, everywhere I look, I see the Cross.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Tending to the physically sick

Healing takes place in the midst of intention and community.

Intention in that you purposefully withdraw your own desires and needs for a conversation and allow a person to open up and share their feelings and fears. We should recognize this tendency to be "selfish" in our conversations with others. Rather than truly listening, we are jumping ahead to what we want to share.

Those in pain are the ones who need to share and we should be intentional with "dying to self" or "withdrawing our own needs" from a conversation.

Community in that you walk through the pain with them. You need not offer answers or attempt to make false promises. When in the valley of the shadow, one needs to walk through it. Disguising the vally does not make it go disappear.

They need to know we are there, we love them, and we will walk with them through this ordeal.

(Thanks to Henri Nouwen for many insights from, The Wounded Healer)


I wonder if you could have a graph displaying the decreasing standards of television/media content over the past fifty years, if there would be a direct corelation with decreasing moral standards of Americans over the same time-frame?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Can you hear Truth?

Can you hear?
Can you see?
Can you touch and taste?
When truth is spoken, is it a sweet sound?
When truth is revealed is it a beautiful piece of art?

When intelligence is obvious,
when design is apparent,
when "I think therefore I am,"
when we find ourselves in limited control
of this planet,
do we hear?
What do we see?

How hardened is the heart?
How dead is the soul?
That truth echoes back,
but does not take root.

How blind the eyes?
How deaf the ears?
When nature explains,
when flowers cry out!

How sweet an opportunity,
how precious the time,
"Go and reproduce."
"Go and rule and subdue."
You will be like Me,
You will rule.
You will rule this pile of dirt.

So go now,
go and listen to your heart,
go and embrace love,
go and freely take and freely give,
"I will not manipulate you."
"I will not force you."
"Go now."

How good You are to us,
How You make us in Your image,
To rule, to have free will,
in small ways You have made us
Like You.

But it seems many think You are gone,
or that You never were.
That this is accident,
That we are slightly more intelligent than ooze.

Some think the body,
what they see,
is all there is,
their motto, "to live for the now."

But if they would stop,
and listen.
Your voice remains,
Truth can be heard.
You came.
You spoke.
You died.
You did not mean this to be
or mystery.
So, You spoke.

And it was true.

"In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it" (John 1:4-5).

The darkness understands:
more hate
more war
more money
more fighting
more anger
more killing
more oppressing
more tearing people down
more wealth
more technology
more houses
more cell phones
more televisions
more books
more self-help
more loneliness
more brokenness
more entertainment
more delusion
more fantasy
more drugs
more denial.

The light understands:
and Love.
More sharing
more giving
more holiness
more building people up
more serving
more joy
more fulfillment
more family
more strangers
more justice
more healing
more acknowledgement of God.

The Negatives - Easier to See than Positives

It is so easy to focus on the negatives of the Christian faith and miss the positives. We prohibit actions, and we create a list of don'ts. We tend to focus on what is illegal or outlawed or against God's Law. Don't cheat, don't lie, don't commit adultery, don't be an addict to whatever, don't say that, or don't think this.

These are the easy things to identify. Our conscience testifies about these heinous acts.

What about all the positive actions of things we should be doing. Things that we missed. We were too busy there and self-absorbed here. We should have loved and offered kind words to that young kid. We should have been focused on showering attention on a loved one instead of attending to our list of do's for the day. We should have enjoyed a laugh with a friend instead of holding to our agenda of what we would rather be doing. We should have reached out instead of avoiding someone who offended us. We should have loved others instead of loving ourselves. We should have smiled and appreciated instead of being annoyed with our children.

You see. We focus on the negatives more than we realize all the positive aspects of Christianity that pass us by moment-by-moment.

Christianity is not a bunch of negatives. Why should anyone want to be a Christian if all they see are people holding to some moral code, some "list of don'ts?" Love is not a "list of don'ts." We have things messed up in our minds if negatives, the don'ts, are all that we see in Christ.

Having walked with the Lord for five years now, I am finding the negatives much easier to identify. What I fear are the positives which I have missed. I should have been present in more situations. Physical presence does not always necessitate spiritual presence. I should have been present "in the spirit" in more situations. I should have been focused on the Kingdom in more situations. I should have been more focused on loving, encouraging, being the hands and feet of Jesus wherever I went physically. I need to be consistently abiding in Christ as I walk around.

How many are the opportunities to love, that I have missed? How many touching moments from God in friendship, mentorship, or family-building have I not experienced? How many times have I walked past a situation God wanted me to experience something deep and enriching but because of my lack of spiritual awareness I walked past? Love is not so clearly defined as a list of rules to follow. Love comes moment-by-moment and it presents itself quietly and peacefully. Love opens its arms and invites us to come and experience it. Will we see it? Will we be aware? The postitives of Christianity of which love is one are not as clear as the negatives that trample the conscience. We need to be finely tuned to the movings of the Holy Spirit, this is the only way to enter into Love.

May God enligthen us to opportunities to love without them passing us by. May this happen in our families, at work, and in all our waking hours. May we be awakened to opportunities to be enouraging, uplifting, supportive, caring, showering words of kindness, taking the time to listen, letting another get what they want even if its not what we want simply because we love them.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Know Him

He is infinite . . .
His love is never-ending,
His presence is all surrounding,
His mercy is limitless,
His blessings continual,
His grace extends forever,
His power cannot be measured,
His wisdom is matchless.

He is always watching,
Always around.
Always hoping,
Always willing,
Always listening.

He enjoys creating and giving.
He enjoys giving life,
to you and I

He is worthy:

He is Everything.
Oh, how I wish to give Him something!
I wish I had something to give Him,
But I have nothing,
I am poor.
I have nothing.
Nothing, but what He himself gave me,
My life, my being, my person.
This I gladfully wish to give back to Him.
That I might in some way give Him the praise
He so rightfully deserves.

But it seems He won't let me do this.
As I attempt to turn myself over,
As I attempt to lay down my life,
He keeps giving
and giving.
I keep receiving,

But I thought I was dying to self?
I thought I was embracing a cross?
I thought duty meant boring.
I thought discipline meant mean.
I thought repentance meant no more fun.
Apparently, I didn't know whats going on here.
Apparently, God is not one to be out-given.
Apparently, God has something better in mind
than what my human reasoning would lead me
to believe about life with God;
He confirms that life with Him is life-giving,
and wonderful.

No matter how much I desire to give to You,
I stand at your mercy while You give as you please.
I stand with tears of joy bursting from my eyes
for the wonders of which you pour upon me.
I stand naked as you clothe me with treasures of
infinite worth.

I am left to cry out in my utter poverty:

"You are God Almighty,
and I have felt your love.
It is beyond the power of
my words to express what it
means to me."

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Christian Meditation

The goal of Christian meditation is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Here are some words of depth from a Christian of the past on meditation, Madame Guyon:

"I believe the best manner of meditating is as follows: when, by an act of lively faith, you are placed in the Presence of God, recollect some truth wherein there is substance and food; pause gently and sweetly thereon, not to employ the reason, but merely to calm and fix the mind: for you must observe, that your principal exercise should ever be the Presence of God; your subject, therefore, should rather serve to stay the mind, than exercise the understanding."

I would add, when you are reading the Bible and a particular verse grabs your attention, don't hurry on past on the verse. Stop, pause, and reflect on it. Let it penetrate and provoke your wonder and awe.

When you see something wonderful in your family, when you see some moving act of love or patience, stop, pause, and reflect on it. Let your appreciation to God fill your heart.

When you are out doing your daily business or chores and you see something wonderfully created (tree, flower, clouds, etc), take a moment, pause, reflect on it. Let it penetrate and provoke your wonder and awe of God.

Think about Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that He is God.

At times, it is good for our soul to stop, be still, and know God is around us, active, and involved. It is good to acknowledge the wonder of God.

Be still.

Have you been still before God lately?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Holy or Whole, does it make a difference?

You know the history of the word "holy" is very close to the word "whole". "Holy" was taken from the same root word from which "whole" came. Oftentimes, the word "holy" is used to denote something set aside in a special service for God, or that it draws significance from being a thing dedicated to God. More and more, I am reflecting on the importance of the word "whole." I think the word holy in its traditional meaning has taken on additional connotations through time. Holy is a word that is unattainable, far off, and something I know I am not and could never be. Holy would then apply when discussing God. But, when we flip the table and talk about holy people, we have a problem. The phrase "holier than thou" comes to mind that it becomes some offensive arrogant and judgmental way of being, which was never meant to be the case.

On the other hand, when we talk about being a "whole" human being I think our minds go in a different direction. Going further, I believe my mind goes in the correct direction when thinking of "whole" people. God created human beings, and He created them in his image. God has a whole idea of what we as human beings can and should be. If we allow him, He enjoys showing us what his idea is/was when creating us humans. When I think of holy people, I think of the whole idea God has in mind for humanity. This is an exciting way of thinking and can lead in multiple directions.

Holy people are not "holier than thou" people, they are "whole" people.

They are people who are not afraid to love, not afraid to fight for justice, not afraid to stand up for the truth, not afraid of death, not afraid of giving of themselves to help others, and not afraid of trusting other people who may have given no good reason to trust in them. They are loving, kind, gentle, good, self-controlled, not given to anger, joyful, and trustworthy (See Gal. 5:22).

Deep down in our souls, we know this to be true. We have an innate sense of what is right and wrong. We have the sense at a very young age of what is fair and not fair. I always hear little children say, "but that's not fair!" We are created with this sense. Having such an innate sense embedded deep in our souls should give us a clue that we were indeed created with a hunger for what is right. We know God's idea of whole human beings in the deepest part of our being, but we lack the capability to get their on our own. So, God steps in to assist as it must be because it was always his idea of us and not our own. Therefore, only with his help can we fully realize what He has in mind for us as a human being.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Way

This phrase jumps out at me in Proverbs:

The way of life - Prov. 5:6 She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths are crooked, but she knows it not.
The way to life - Prov. 6:23 For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life.
The way to life - Prov. 10:17 He who heeds discipline shows the way to life . . .
The way of the Lord - Prov. 10:29 The way of the Lord is a refuge for the righteous, but it is the ruin of those who do evil.
The path of understanding - Prov. 21:16 A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead.

Now, notice that this way or path was often a singular form noun. Compare to the following:

Ways of wicked men - Prov. 2:12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse.
Paths of the wicked - Prov. 22:5 In the paths of the wicked lie thorns and snares, but he who guards his soul stays far from them.

It is interesting to note the often (not in every case) singular form of one particular way or path in which to live, walk, and have our being. In contrasting to the ways of the wicked, these paths are often thought of as plural and multiple.

Isaiah also spoke of such a way (Again notice the singular noun form):
Isa. 35:8 And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it.

Jesus said he was the Way (Again notice the singular noun form):
John 14:6 I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Now the question I pose is this: Do you suppose Jesus was referring to "the way" described by both Proverbs and Isaiah? Or is Jesus referring to something different when He says He is the way? If you think about it, if you follow Jesus wouldn't you be following him in his style of life that exhibited holiness/righteousness and which of course Proverbs said this way leads to life? Proverbs focuses on wisdom which translates knowledge to application in how you live. Isaiah spoke of a restored Jerusalem in which a highway (Again a singular path or way) of holiness would have holy people walking on it which indicates the style of life of these people or how they live.

To take this interesting phrase further, Christianity in her early days was known as the Way. Followers of Christ in Acts 9:2 are referred by Saul as those who belong to the Way (Jesus).

All this to say, Christianity is not meant to be a once and done action. It seems that the Western world has boiled this all down to a simple formula which provides all the benefits of eternal salvation and heaven, but has no depth. It has become some mechanical process of rational apprehension but requires no life change. Most Christians claim to be followers, but in actuality when you look at their lives they are no different than the rest of the lost world. Time after time, studies are done that show there is no statistical difference between Christians and non-Christians (thanks George Barna). Anyone with a little Bible study will realize this is not the overall theme expressed in Scripture. Jesus is a way of life, a style of life. His way of life leads directly to the Father/God. He sent his Spirit to guide and direct us on this way of life.

This is not a one time event, that "oh yeah I claimed Christ back when I was 6, I am a Christian." Or, my parents are Christians, so I am a Christian. These are not necessarily valid reasons to claim Christ (although they could be). What truly matters is whether you are following Jesus. Jesus said, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me" (Matt. 16:24). Then, we should be found with a cross in our hand putting the flesh/the sinful nature on the cross. This is the Way marked out for us. This is a style of life, something you are daily and not once a week.

We shouldn't be found in the paths of wicked men, we should be found on the Way of Holiness! Oh, that we all might aspire to be whole human beings, the way God created us to be before the Fall! The Way of Holiness bears fruit in life, fruit of the Holy Spirit which are:
-love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22)-
We should be growing in virtue as our sinful flesh is embracing the cross! As we do, we become complete/whole human beings exhibiting the characteristics in which God delights.
Peter said we should be a "royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that we may declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light" (1 Pet. 2:9). Being a holy nation is a way of life. It is a lifestyle not a one-time commitment. In modern day culture, we want all the benefits of being saved from hell, but yet we still want to live our lives how we want to on our own terms. These two things do not go together and were not taught by Jesus or anywhere in the Bible.

In Acts 2:42-47, we find the baby church gathered together after Pentecost and the gift of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the followers of Christ. You will quickly notice while reading this passage that the followers lived, ate, worshiped, prayed, and talked about Jesus together daily. They genuinely cared about each other and loved those in need in their community. They did not make a one-time decision for Christ during Peter's sermon and then go back to their old ways of life. They made a lifestyle commitment lead by the Holy Spirit. They began a new way of life together as a family, the Way of Christ.

We should be found to be a sweet, sweet sight to God! Jesus guides us in a close relationship upon the way of life by his Holy Spirit. This is the life that leads to God, the life that pleases God. The highway of Holiness paved by Christ. The fruits of the spirit grow along this highway and are what God desires to allow to flourish in our lives and by which trees are identified as good to keep or bad to cut down and throw into the fire.

If you allow the Holy Spirit to perform her function, she will make you holy. A holy person is a whole human being not a fractured one.

And remember, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death" (Prov. 14:12). There is a wide road which leads to destruction. Jesus said, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it" (Matt. 7:13). Or you could say there are many paths or ways (Plural) that lead to death, and narrow is the gate (Singular). There is one way of life to God. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. Only God himself in the flesh could fully display the way. Solomon poked around it and gave insights about this way, Isaiah foresaw the way opening up, but Jesus laid the way brick by brick for us to follow. In Jesus' time, the Way described by Solomon and foretold by Isaiah became a reality.

Take the way of Christ. You will find much more than you can dream of there. There is pure joy and pure fun as opposed to drunken hangovers and parties that end. There is honesty and truthfulness as opposed to cheats and abusers. There is love, deep and transforming as opposed to one-night stands and short-term relationships that never fill the hole of the heart or truly satisfy. There is a peace that reaches deep and stills the soul as opposed to stress and worry about money and the world.

Maybe we should begin using the old title, "Followers of the Way." I think this is a profound phrase that calls attention to our modern day dilemma. This is a way of life not a one-time decision. It is an on-going relationship not a one-night stand.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Getting more out of Devotions (Lectio Divina)

This post is about a practice that has assisted my time with God. If your devotional time has gotten a little stale, maybe this could help you.

The practice is an old one and has been called lectio divina. Basically, lectio divina is a practice which focuses on small passages of Scripture, slowly reading, silence, and using repetition.

Small Scripture passages
Slowly reading

The reason it has been helpful for me is probably the same reason it will assist you. As Americans, we are fast-paced, noisy, and goal-oriented. Lectio Divina helps combat these traits by intentionally slowing us down, providing space to be quiet and hear the voice of God, and helping us rest in God's Word without some agenda or quota of large amounts of Scripture to read.

There are many different ways you can structure this practice. What I will share next does not necessarily have to be the only way, but is the way I learned and what I have enjoyed.

1) Select a time/place that is distraction free/quiet
2) Use 1-10 verses maximum.
3) Read through the passage slowly.
4) After reading, be quiet for 2-3 minutes. Enjoy God's Presence. Do not speak, or think prayers in your head (You will be tempted to talk to God and start praying in silence, or you mind will start thinking random thoughts-try to bring yourself back to focus if you stray or start talking, remember you want to listen and be still-NOT TALK), attempt to simply be still and listen.
5) Read through the passage again.
6) Highlight any verses that jump out to you or speak to you personally.
7) Be silent before the Lord again for 2-3 minutes. If your mind wanders recall the verse that jumped out at you or say out loud, "Jesus Son of David, have mercy on me, a sinner." And then when focused again, continue to be silent.
-Another helpful thought that helps me get back on track if I am wandering is : I might pose the question, "What is the chief end of man, to enjoy Him forever." This seems to work well at bringing me back to the point of enjoying God's presence, not having to talk, not having to do anything, just enjoying Him.
8) Read through only the highlighted verses if you wish or the entire passage.
9) Repeat time of silence.
10) Read through fourth time highlighted verses or entire passage.
11) Repeat time of silence.

Play with this technique, mold it, shape it, own it. Make it your own with your own methods. If you are enjoying God, then you are doing it right. If you are not, give it up and don't use it.

Upon researching possible texts to use when beginning lectio divina, I ran across these passages which may be good to start with and from there I encourage you to explore on your own where God wants you to spend time in his Word:
Psalm 24 *(Remember, tackle only 1-10 verses at a time!)
Psalm 25
Psalm 84
Psalm 51 (Cleansing from sin)
Psalm 16:9-11 (Assurance in heaven)
Prov. 16:1-3 (Trusting in God's ways)
Matt 5:3-10 (Beattitudes)
John 17:6-19 (Jesus' prayer over disciples)
John 17:20-26 (Jesus' prayer over future believers)
Romans 12:9-13 (Love)
1John 5-9 (God is light, walk in the light)
Job 42:1-6 (Seeing God)
Genesis 1 (Creation)
Deut. 30:14-20 (Love God)
Exodus 4:11-12 (God will teach you what to say)
Psalm 119: 103-105 (Word of God)
Phil 3:7-14 (Pressing on toward the Goal)
2Tim 4:1-8 (Preaching charge)

* (I took liberty to summarize the verses under different categories to assist in selecting a particular passage. I wanted to have a general guide for my own selection in beginning this practice.)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Everyplace is Holy....God owns it all.

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; . . . .

Monday, May 11, 2009

Harmony or Tension

Oftentimes people speak of harmony and having their life in balance. This phrase appears to be too eutopian. This is not reality. On the contrary, life is full of chaos, tension, and turmoil. We find ourselves fighting for more. Fighting for more love, more quality family time, more devotional time, more purity, more justice, and the list goes on and on. Battling against us are the unlimited lists of excuses of I was too busy, or I had things to do on my plan for today, or I will pay attention to junior when I am older, or I woke up late I don't have time for God today or whatever.

The fact of the matter is that we have this hunger and thirst for righteousness, a hunger for more of God’s Spirit, and his voice. As Jesus said during the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness” (NIV, Matt 5:6). We are not in harmony, we are hungry and thirsty for righteousness. We desire to know God more. We desire wholeness and purity. We struggle, strive, and even fight for more than the brokenness that we experience. The Apostle John restates this principle in Revelation, “To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the Spring of the Water of Life” (NIV, Rev 21:6). Thus, God’s Church is thirsty for only what He can provide and no other.

On eight separate occasions in Revelation John dictated in varying forms the phrase, “To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life” (NIV, Rev 2:7). This phrase rings in my ear over and over. The truth is that this world offers tension, struggle, and brokenness. Jesus knew this, and He tells us to fight. In this fight, our strength is measured by our hunger to eat of the Tree of Life and to drink of the Spring of the Water of Life. The Tree and the Spring represent wholeness. Our strength is measured by our hunger to be whole. Knowing both sin and righteousness, the soul cries out for more of wholeness.

We are hungry.

We are thirsty.

for more of God.

Let's embrace that.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Great Divide - Human Beings or Human Doings?

As my eyes turn inward,
There exists a great divide.
I can grasp the greatest of truths,
but in my heart there is a divide.

Christ in you,
the hope of glory.

Christ in me,
transformation of my person.

As my eyes turn inward,
I have yet to yield.
I can grasp the greatest of ideas,
but aspects of my humanity remain unchanged.

Christ in you,
the hope of glory.

But what about:
Church on Sunday,
Bible study Monday,
Small group on Thursday,
A prayer before lunch,
and a tithe to my church.
Another mark on my checklist,
an allotment on my things to do.

Where is the glory?

Busy on Wednesday,
Reeling on Saturday,
and exhausted come Sunday.

But Christ in you,
The hope of glory!

When will I yield?
When will I allow,
transformation from the inside out?
Christ in me,
Shekinah glory on the inside.

You came to offer life,
and I form rituals.
You came to offer the revelation of God to my mind,
and I speed through opportunity to commune with you.
You came to be in relationship,
and I cannot find,
the time



and just be,
who you
created me to


You are with me in the yard,
I lie down in the grass.
You speak as I gaze into the skies,
Your voice comforts,
The wind wraps around my toes,
my soul is at ease.

Christ in me,
Christ in you.
No agenda.
Nothing to earn.

All that I am,
All that I do,
In all things I can enjoy You.
Playing with children,
enjoying this precious time.
Conversing with a loved one,
appreciating their personality.
Doing the laundry,
or getting groceries,
Going deeper,
below the surface.
Life to the full.
Christ in you,
The hope of glory,
crossing the great divide.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

When it all comes apart.....He is there.....

The economy is changing.....

What I see happening involves the disappearance of a large section of the middle class best represented by the term "blue collar." These are the men and women who out of high school were able to find a job, not even just a job, but a middle to high-end job pulling down $50,000-70,000k. And oh yeah, and that is with pension, health care, social security, and overtime availability. This segment of middle America is dwindling.

Meanwhile, college costs have risen 50% over the last 10 years.

Social Security they say is broken. The 401k replaces company-funded pensions and involves employee contributions.

In today's world, you need a college degree to at least have a chance at the traditional blue-collar wages.

Things are changing.......

It looks like the course we are on can lead nowhere but a mix-up in our historical classes which built America. It looks like the poor/working poor, college educated, and ultra rich. With the barrier growing more and more difficult for the poor to break their family out of the cycle, the gap between the lower class and the college educated is widening.


Our lifestyles are also changing and in some ways strange........

Everyone is so busy. No one has any time. We move from medium to medium taking in media. Internet, television, radio, ipod, mobile devices, and email. Constant noise. Can we still think and reflect or are we addicted to constant noise?

Another strange phenomena: Work is no longer back-breaking for the college educated or ultra rich, so they pay to have personal trainers give them work-outs that often times resemble work. I saw a man the other day in the gym swinging a sledge hammer onto a large tire looking thing. How odd, we have to pay to do what we used to receive naturally during our work day, when we would sweat by our brow to perform work.

Also, have you noticed that no one knows how to maintain relationships anymore?

Something is coming unglued. The future of today's students does not look as bright as it once did. The old blue collar high paying and generous companies that rewarded a person with a fully funded retirement package which was guaranteed, not hinging upon the return of the stock market, looks obsolete.

Is that gloomy? Or is it just reality? Am I a pessimist or unloyal to the state if I hold these views? Or is it just the truth?

What would happen if it all came apart? What would happen if we woke up from the dream? What would we do if it all fell apart? Where do we place our trust? Is it still like the dollar says, "In God We Trust?" Or is our faith in steel, bullets, finances, and flesh?

What are we left with if the stock market tanks?

If the currency inflates to astronomical levels and the prices of gold increase ten-fold, how do we move on with our lives? What would matter to us then? What if I loose my job? How do I live on so much less? How do I buy my Starbucks on that?

If everything crashes around me, who is with me in the storm?
What is left when the house comes crashing?
Nothing but the Foundation.

When all the deceit of riches are exposed,
He will be there.
When all the deception of luxurious retirement and winter homes are destroyed,
He will be there.
When lower class citizens cry out in despair,
He will be there.
When the nation humbles itself and cries out to God,
He Will Be There.
When the husband is fed up with neglecting his family and children,
He will be there.
When the regular church member is fed up with empty repetition that means nothing to her throughout the rest of her week,
He will be there,
When government programs won't pick up the medical bill,
He will be there,
When we are tired of trying to put a mask on and pretend we are things we are not,
He will be there.

Justice cries out to HIM.
He must answer.
He is Holy.
But that is not the end.
His love reaches out to them.
His love covers them.
In their flaws, He loves them
They are his children.
His creation.
But that is not the end.
He comes clothed in meekness and willing to take it all,
willing to die for them.
Death came to attempt to crush our hope,
Steel and power attempted to rule the earth,
The wealthiest forces of the day crucified Him.
But that was not the end.
He died and He rose!
When it all crashed down, He was there.
He was there!
Shed a tear and shout for joy, he was there.
When it all settled He stood in Victory.
I said when the smoke cleared,
He was still standing.
When the world came at him,
He was not shaken.
When He fell under the weight,
He got back up.
When the road was hard,
He kept on stepping.
When friends turned their backs,
He was not phased.
When hatred and evil gave their all,
My Savior was unstoppable.
Through it all He could not be defeated.
When the fate of the world hung in the balance,
He was there!
Hallelujah, He was there!

And He stands Today to encourage us in his Victory.
We can conquer all the powers and principalities,
they have no hold,
I mean, they have no authority,
over my Savior and his Reality.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jonah tell us about Universal Yahweh.

You know I have been continually grabbed by the univeral nature of Yahweh. Many times I have commented here on this blog about the universal nature of the Church. It is not just the whites, african-american, asian, male, female, pretty, average, lame, intelligent, thin, or husky. Its all peoples, all tribes, every nation, and every type of person. Its the drunk, the lawyer, the samaritan, the policeman, its everyone. The Church of Jesus Christ is SO BIG!

I came around to this observation yet again in Jonah.

Here you have Jonah commanded by God to speak to the foreign superpower Assyria and its great city Nineveh. Jonah is asked to head into the heart of the large superpower working its way down to Israel conquering, deporting, relocating families and peoples to distant lands. Assyria may have been at the doorstep of Israel as Jonah receives the command to preach to the land about their wickedness.

Stop here.

God wants Jonah to preach to a foreign nation that has up to this point been bent on destroying nations and exiling them. God cares about this city, these foreigners in the midst of their great sin. Wow, does that stir you like it does me? Isn't this where God meets us? In the middle of our brokenness, He comes. He cares. He loves. Isn't that what makes it so hard to fathom God that he loves broken people like us?

God tells Jonah after Nineveh repents, "Should I not be concerned about that great city" (NIV, Jonah 4:10)

Lets open up this context a little more:
Jonah is an Israelite.
Israelites were given a Covenant, a promise from Yahweh.
Jonah was in the Covenant Community.
Nineveh was not in the Covenant Community.

In our time, the gentiles, that means me and anyone else not Jewish were not in the Covenant Community. God here early on is foreshadowing what He wanted to do for ALL people. God has something bigger in mind than just Israel, He has the entire world that He wants to have a relationship with in mind.

Does this sound familiar? Remember what God had John write in Revelation:

Revelation 5:9 And they sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.

And so here we are. Every nationality, male/female, short/tall, overweight/skinny, smart/slow, or funny/boring. All of us will be singing a new song. This is the BIG, Universal Church of Christ. No denominations, no doctrinal issues. No minor differences or petty problems. One people under One God.

Can we live like that? Or do we see color, abnormality, petty personal issues, disagreements, wrong choices, and evil people. How do you see the world? How do you see your brother and sister, your fellow human? After all, there is only one race, the human race.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hand of God

Like a great photographer framing his shot,
God is interested in the smallest of details.

Moment after moment of time may pass,
To us they fly over in stealth unnoticed.

Moments like letters in the hand of God.
Letters forming Words,
Words forming Sentences,
Sentences framing a beautiful story!

Small pieces seemingly random,
when combined a puzzle quite intricate.

Have you ever stepped back and seen the hand of God?
All around you?
Have you ever been caught in the glorious moment?
No longer lost in the mystery of the pieces
or the letters and what comes next,
But stepping back and seeing the bigger picture.....

No longer me and I and this and that and I need or I want or I wish this or that and what if and why that or oh me and oh my.....But oh, You.


Why didn't I see it? The Hand of God.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Keeper of the spring

The following is an inspiring story about the need of daily meetings with God and the resulting purity of life that results through the power of the Holy Spirit. This story is an excerpt from Stephen Macchia's Becoming a Healthy Church: 10 Traits of a Vital Ministry:

The Keeper of the Spring was a quiet forest dweller who lived high above an Austrian village along the eastern slopes of the Alps. The old gentleman had been hired many years ago by a young Town Council to clear away the debris from the pools of water up in the mountain crevices that fed the lovely spring flowing through their town. With faithful, silent regularity,he patrolled the hills, removed the leaves and branches, and wiped away the silt that would otherwise choke and contaminate the fresh flow of water.

By and by, the village became a popular attraction for vacationers. Graceful swans floated along the crystal clear spring, the mill wheels of various businesses located near the water turned day and night, farmlands were naturally irrigated, and the view from restaurants was picturesque beyond description.

Years passed. One evening the Town Council met for its semi-annual meeting. As they reviewed the budget, one man's eye caught the salary figure being paid the obscure Keeper of the Spring. Said the Keeper of the Purse, "Who is this old man? Why do we keep him on year after year? No one ever sees him. For all we know the strange ranger of the hills is doing us no good. He isn't necessary any longer!" By unanimous vote, they dispensed with the old man's services.

For several weeks nothing changed. By early autumn, the trees began to shed their leaves. Small branches snapped off and fell into the pools, hindering the rushing flow of sparkling water. One afternoon someone noticed a slight yellowish-brown tint in the spring. A couple of days later the water was much darker. Within another week, a slimy film covered sections of the water along the banks and a foul odor was soon detected. The mill wheels moved slower, some finally ground to a halt. Swans left as did the tourists. Clammy fingers of disease and sickness reached deeply into the village.

Quickly, the embarrassed Council called a special meeting. Realizing their gross error in judgment, they hired back the old Keeper of the Spring . ..and within a few weeks the veritable river of life began to clear up. The wheels started to turn, and new life returned to the hamlet in the Alps once again.

The end.

I find within myself the same need to rehire the Keeper of my soul every day. Sometimes it may seem like everything is functioning perfectly and I can be tempted to think that meeting with God today is unnecessary. What I find from this experience is that what comes out of my life begins to stink. Only by allowing the Holy Spirit to cleanse me and keep me will what comes out of my life be a wellspring of life to others. It is not dependent upon my own industry, willpower, and gifts, but rather it depends on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Don't Be a Pharisee!

What did Jesus have against the religious leaders of his day? Why did He always say, don't be like the hypocrites?

First of all, a hypocrite says one thing, but does another.

The Pharisees/Jewish religious leaders were claiming spiritual life, but they did not have it.

Jesus turned it all inside out. The Pharisees were posing for men, having long prayers for their own image and self-righteousness, they fasted and wanted everyone to know how super-spiritual they were, but Jesus, Jesus said they were missing it. They did not have what they acted as if they did. They missed it.

For Jesus, the Gospel, the Word of God, is not a thing just to be memorized. It is not just head knowledge and a bunch of rules. That is death. That leads to being a hypocrite. It leads to hypocrisy because the Word of God comes in a active relationship with God. It is possible to know all about God and God's Son, but do nothing with Him. That is being a Pharisee.

We are called to deep, intimate relationship with Creator of all that is. Who loved us so much He sent his Son to embrace the heights of agony under the full wrath of God. God's Son took it all. He came in love.

It is possible to "know" so much, but the Gospel, The Word of God is meant to be "experienced." If you never experience the Word of God, never obey it, never step out in faith to follow something that doesn't make sense to you, THEN you will never experience God! Christianity is an experiential faith not just intellectual.

Don't be a Pharisee.......

Saturday, February 28, 2009

For the Skeptic: A Narrative

There were these people who thought that everything that was, could be seen.

One saw all these green pieces of paper that seemed to provide the means to obtain luxurious things. These things look as if they meant something. Somehow the people there with all the stuff seemed to be happy.

One looked around and noticed a fierce competition. Everyone seemed to be jockeying for position and trying to "out do" everyone else, especially when it came to the opposite sex. So, this person naturally realized from witnessing this that what they needed was to plug into this mess and compete for love.

One only looked only at himself. He decided the only answer was to fulfill his every desire.

The last one of these guys the others all thought was crazy. He kept telling them about things unseen, telling them about things that existed that the eye nor the mind could fully grasp. He had this notion that there was something deeper. He could not help but gaze in awe at the order of everything. Everything seemed to be in some kind of harmony that he himself found lacking inside his soul. All of the created order around him seemed to buzz, blossom, cycle through patterns and seasons. He saw the colors and the artistry about everything. He watched in wonder at the death in Winter and resurrection of Spring. He learned of a code named DNA embedded in the minute levels of human composition that contained some blueprint the men had told him, some plan or code. Obviously, there was some order and intelligence at work in his very being.

Meanwhile, his friends only saw a flower. They saw only shiny rocks in the sky. Only random probability that the code in DNA formed itself together and made a human, only accidental. But the last one person we are talking about, he saw something different. He saw wonders and beauty. He saw meaning and purpose. He felt intertwined in the plan and not really random or accidental at all. There was always something just beyond his ability to put into words, something on the tip of his tongue, something faint and rather fuzzy, that he just couldn't seem to explain to his friends.

Then everything went far deeper for him.

All of a sudden he started believing in some from of moral structure. He began to believe in some unseen system of right and wrong. Something within his own soul seemed to echo this idea in his heart. From where and when did this come? How did it get there? Was it an accident too? Or was it part of the plan, was it part of the story? Not only did he find some strange notion of right and wrong but of virtues. Mysterious qualities about his fellow men that he admired as noble, just, and true. They were in direct opposition to liars, cheaters, murderers, and no good scum buckets. What made a man good and one bad?

His friends told him he was odd. Why should you follow things you cannot see? They told him, "There is no truth, no code, no purpose, no plan, no nothing, you just make it up for yourself man!" His friends said, look at me, I just do want I want, when I want. There is no code. You just live it up man! Look, its just a big party and everybody wants to have a little fun. Look, go buy that house you've been wanting, settle down with that gal you've been chasing, and make a little money, then everything will be just fine, you'll be happy just like us. Just step on up into our program, we'll have you trained and hit the ground running then you'll be just like us, stressed out, overweight, on anti-depressants, and oh yeah not worrying about any stupid things that you can't see, because obviously if all of us can't see it and we don't live by it, then it just can't be.

So, having heard this advice the young man went away disappointed. Their words were empty. There was no life in them. But the unseen kept at him. He just could not leave it alone. Deep in his heart, he knew, he believed there was more. One night he cried out, he was desperate for an answer. He set out looking for answers.

It was not long and his questions started being answered. He met others who had experienced this same understanding that there was more in life than what they had seen and that there was a disharmony within their bodies against the harmony of nature all around. Then, there was one who came and solved the riddle. He explained that they were indeed from another place and that is why they do not belong. He, himself, claimed that he was from this place and had seen it and he told them all about it. He said he had the answers and all those that wished to follow could, but it would require them to leave their old life behind. So, having reasoned that they could not live in a lie any longer and realizing this was their one shot to live the life they had sensed in the deep recesses of their souls was possible, they followed.

What they found was that there was more to life than what they had seen. As they walked together, more and more things made sense. The man that lead them shared more about his homeland. In this place, there were no struggles, no striving, no competition, no misery, no pain, no sickness, no disease, and all the tears were wiped and cared for. In this place, honesty, truth, justice, mercy, and love reign. Love itself is said to dwell in its center as a tree giving off life to all who come near to eat of its fruit. No more disharmony in his soul, and things here answer the fuzzy ideas that just couldn't be expressed in the "seen" world. Here was the answer. They had been made for so much more, that is why they never felt at home. Parts and pieces from this place had been planted within all the travellers from birth, actually, all their friends they left behind had them too, but it seems a rather hard and strange thing to do, that is to believe in something that cannot be seen.


Eternity: infinite duration

Life is short......Eternity is long.......

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Sermon on the Mount

King Jesus steps up on the platform for his inaugural address. As the leader of this Holy Nation, he begins, his proclamations about His kingdom, about life in it. He illustrates what His subjects can expect from His leadership. By His word, His subjects come to know Him. His speech is captured in the Scripture from Matt. 5:1-7:27. He announces to Christianity, this is life in my kingdom, this is what my people look like, act like, and who they are. He addresses the law and turns it inside out. He takes the external and makes it internal. His words cut to the heart. It is not a show, it is an inward reality. It is not just love for family, but love for enemies. It is not stockpiling wealth on earth, it is treasure in heaven. It is not unrealistic, it is by His grace. It is not a secret, but announced aloud. It is not without cost, it will require your life. It is not on display, but the Father in heaven sees what is done. It is not self-righteousness, but it is a righteousness that surpasses that of the Pharisees. It surpases that of the Pharisees, because there is one who fulfilled it all. This speech is about the life of one who did it all! He was all of it. He was the surpassing righteousness of the Phraisees. He was truly the author and perfecter of the Law. He embodied the Law. He was at such a level no self-righteous prude could touch. He was the thought that created the Law, He was the heart for the reason of the law. Here He stands speaking aloud to all these men. Speaking of things, we can not understand. Speaking of things we can not achieve. He knows it. He hopes it. Because He is more than able to carry us through it. He will put us on His back and carry us. Only He can take up all the sin, all the failure, all the sickness, all the struggle, all the death and lift it all up and take it upon Himself. Here our leader speaks. Here our leader shows us how to love thine enemy. He bears it all for us who sin against Him. For His enemies, He choses to die. He dies, but He rises again! Death has no power over Him!

This is our leader. His word gives us insight into who He is. His Word here for the world to see. Gazing into this Sermon on the Mount, his followers can catch a vision of Him they serve. Within our clouded minds light seems to pierce through the darkness of our misunderstanding. Our Savior lives and He speaks now as He did then, we have His Word in which to revel. So He speaks to them on the Mount as He does to us all about. Our call is the same as theirs. Those followers, the same as us. Our leader shares His will. He is a mighty Leader, a Divine Warrior, and he announces His wishes for us to carry. He takes our hand and acts as our guide to assist us by His power. Only looking to Him. Only under His wing. Only as He instructs. Only as He guides. Only as He carries us on toward that place He has prepared.

Oh, that I might loose myself in His gaze. That I might be done with all the struggle of flesh that is weak and only look to Him who Saved me. How might I let this gaze linger, a little longer? How do I hold on to it, without it rushing away? What might prolong it? Before the world hurries it away......

The Big Church

Melchizedek, Rahab, and Ruth, what do these three people have in common? Obviously, its not a name association. For what its worth, all three seem to be incorporated into the "True Israel." The Israel by spirit and not by bloodline. Melchizedek (as discussed in an earlier post-Feb. 9, 2009) pops onto the scene and is fresh from Canaan. Hes a foreigner, from what is later a battlefield for the Israelites. Anyhow, he is isolated from Abraham and his clan and his promises from God, but yet Melchizedek serves the same God, he is a member of the same "body."

Then you have Rahab, a prostitute near Jericho. Rahab's family had not been in the Exodus, had not been lead by Moses, didn't witness the transfer of leadership to Joshua or see God shake Mount Sinai. Her family did not receive the Law of God from Mount Sinai. But, Rahab is incorporated into this bigger thing God is doing. She believes upon the men who come to her house and she helps them. She has faith in God upon hearing. She later has a child named Boaz, who later marries Ruth, who later has a son, who down the line comes King David and then down the line a little more comes Jesus! Wow.

So, I mention Ruth, Ruth also was a foreigner to Israel. She was of the hated land of Moab. Being a Moabitess by blood, she takes to caring for her Hebrew mother-in-law and seeks to serve and obey the same Hebrew God, Jehovah and low and behold by spirit she has become incorporated into this bigger church, a church outside the family bloodline. And yes, we have seen she also shares in the blessing of being a descendant of the Son of God, Himself!

Whats the common thread? They were foreigners taken up into God's church. These isolated incidents from the Penteteuch (First five books of the Bible) and Deuteronmic History (Joshua through Kings) point to something big, some big thing God has working. I am not quite sure I get it all yet, but theres something there.


Here I am sitting in the hospital. Along comes a janitor mopping the floor of the room. She overhears my conversation about church and a prayer over lunch. She approaches and asks what church I attend. I respond. Immediately, she begins preaching. Preaching like you do not hear very often. Preaching I admire and wish I had such adept ability at executing. She is on fire. The janitor at the hospital, who'd of thunk it?

She goes on to tell me about growing up in Iran and being a Muslim. She said, "We had no personal relationship with God. We knew of Jesus, we just thought he was a prophet. We had no idea He was Son of God!" With her cute accent and broken English she goes on to explain multiple situations of actions she took in her life based on the Word of God. The very first time she heard the Gospel she responded with joy to be a Christian. She shared her disappointment with the state of the church and the lack of those that actually live out their faith.

This lady, she amazes me. Where did she come from? Does the hospital know they have an on fire preacher roaming these halls? She recalls multiple examples of witnessing to patients, patients on their death beds. There is something irresistible about her faith. It glows. She shines. This janitor puts me to shame.

What was that Jesus said about the last being first and the first being last?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cheap Grace Vs. Costly Grace

Following are a couple quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer on what he saw as one of the biggest problems facing Christianity during his time in the 1940's. He stood up for Christian love and returned to a Nazi occupied Germany, his homeland, to minister to his fellow neighbors. He did this knowing it could mean his death in a country where opposing Hitler was certain death. He did in fact become martyred for Christ's sake. He was executed at the hands of the Nazi's, all the while loving those imprisoned unjustly. It seems that much of what he points out is still relevant today. Read it and see what you think....

Christian life comes to mean nothing more than living in the world and as the world, in being no different from the world for the sake of grace. The upshot of it all is that my only duty as a Christian is to leave the world for an hour or so on a Sunday morning and go to church to be assured that my sins are forgiven. I need no longer try to follow Christ, for cheap grace, the bitterest foe of discipleship, which true discipleship must loathe and detest, has freed me from that. Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Cost of Discipleship

By cheap grace, Bonhoeffer illustrates: Preaching forgiveness without repentence, grace without embracing the cross, communion without confession, baptism without discipline, and so on . . .

I believe Bonhoeffer calls us back to the true meaning of Christianity. Learning from a Risen Savior and following Him to the Cross! Not on our own power, but in fellowship with Him, He leads us to our cross and helps us find it and enables us to embrace it with Him. Who is preaching like this today (See post on the Janitor for February 16th)? Is grace still cheap or are there preachers of costly grace? Grace that costs the life of a disciple and asks him to leave behind his old life. Christ doesn't allow Peter to remain a fisherman, or the young rich man to remain a rich man, the circumstance of who they used to be must change. The one quickly obeys and follows leaving behind his fishing trade, but the second example refuses to obey and refuses to follow. Both must embrace following Christ no matter the cost to their life, because Jesus says, that "whoever looses his life for Christ's sake will find it" (Matt. 10:39).

Monday, February 9, 2009

Melchizedek, like Jesus?

Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek. Hebrews 5:8-10

Who is this Melchizedek and why is the author of Hebrews referring to Jesus as being in the order of Melchizedek? Is there anyone else that is surprised to find someone mentioned in the same sentence as Jesus and he only appears as a small blip on the radar of the pages of the Bible?

The following passage mentions this Melchizedek who has no beginning or end in the Bible, he is only mentioned here meeting Abraham as he makes his way back from rescuing Lot.

Genesis 14:18-20 Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, "Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand." Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

Some interesting points to take note of here:
1- Melchizedek is not just a king, but he is also a high priest (Of which Jesus is said to be of the same order ((Both King and Priest/Mediator)), -see above Hebrews quote-)
2-Salem could be Jerusalem, King of Salem can be translated King of Peace.
3-Melchizedek is not a Hebrew. He comes from a nation not affiliated with Abraham. Abraham who was a man of the promise of God, offers a tenth, a tithe to Melchizedek, showing that Abraham recognized Melchizedek as a high priest of the same God as himself and from whom Abraham had received the promise. This act is symbolic that he recognized some sort of superior rank that he offered a tithe. This is strange no? Who is this stranger that the Bible whispers about here and then Paul brings him up in Hebrews? Abraham is the father of the faith, the heir of the promise direct from God, yet he offers a tithe to Melchizedek.

What does this mean? Please think about this, pray over it, struggle with it. It does not seem to offer any quick and easy answers.

This we can take away: There is a whole different order of priesthood that is so far above the Hebrew priesthood that it is of a whole different order. It is so much more, it is so far beyond. I would liken it to comparing earth to heaven. Earth is only a slight glimmer of what heaven is.

Jesus was of another order of priesthood. As recepients of Jesus' grace and co-heirs of the promise, we gather under the ultimate high priest, Jesus of Nazareth. The full revelation of God among us. Stepping into heaven itself to mediate on our behalf. He opened the way, tore the veil, and calls us friends. He is of another promise, a promise of a new Canaan, a new heaven and a new earth. He has breached the defenses and calls us to partake. His Kingdom is not of this world. (John 18:36 My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.)

So we enter in cleansed through the sacrifice of Christ to partake of the suffering of the world that crucified Him. We wage war by the power of his Spirit. In small gatherings we lock arms, close eyes, and speak to our High Priest. We besiege Him and ask for His will to be done through us, among us. His Spirit is more than able though our flesh is weak. His power is great and mighty is His name!

Note: Some scholars have offered that Melchizedek was some foreshadow, Christ incarnate man, possibly Christ Himself. I am of another opinion, but the Scripture leaves it somewhat open to interpretation.

Your thoughts? What are the implications to you?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What is more important? Belief or Action?

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I hear this verse quoted often. The usual context is in regard to the intellectual assent that Jesus is the Gate, by which we enter into heaven and there is no other way to enter. I acknowledge this as true, BUT I find myself going one step further and asking:

What is more important, the intellectual agreement that Jesus indeed is the Way to salvation OR to actually walk in the Way?

Let me put it this way. If I acknowledge that Meridian Street runs directly to my house which is the third on the left, I can agree this is true. If I acknowldge that I indeed want to go to my house, I have to drive along "the Way," which in this case is Meridian Street. All too often it seems evangelical Christians want to stand and build intellectual agreement that indeed Meridian Street runs to my house, BUT we spend all our time here.

Instead of walking together or driving together down Meridian street and talking about the landmarks and how we can know we are actually heading the right way on Meridian Street, we spend all our time acknowledging Meridian Street runs to my house.

Yes, Jesus is the Way. Let us move on past this elementary teaching and get on to maturity. Lets talk about living in the Way together. Let's talk about spiritual struggle and dicernment of the spiritual warfare going on around us. Let's talk about working out our salvation with fear and trembling before an Almighty God! Let's talk about a Holy Nation. Let's talk about a people under Christ that are all supposed to be part of a Royal Priesthood. . . . Yes, every believer a Priest! The old order of having a priest do all the God work is done, it was crucified. All have access to God through Christ, the mediator and Perfect Sacrifice. This sacrifice paid in FULL all of our sins and grants us access to the Holy of Holies, heaven itself.

When do we move on to walking the Way together and get past a mere intellectual agreement?

Sometimes I wonder, if some who may not even have this intellectual agreement may be closer to Christ than those who profess His name.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Spiritual Warfare

There are three divisions of evil which strike at the Christian. 1) Our own perverse and hard heart 2) The world: Which consists of the mass of unregenerated people and their systems of power, greed, glamour, and perverted sexuality 3) The evil one who commands the world systems and has sway over the unregenerated world without their knowledge

Can sin be overcome in the Christian life? Can a Christian walk in victory?
Are we destined to failure and constant sin? Are we destined to remain stuck in the same sin Christ found us on our first day of accepting Him?

You know it is strange that I have had many men tell me it is ok to have lustful thoughts in your mind. It is natural. I have been told masturbation is normal, it is part of nature and one must do it. Men you would think should hold a much a higher position than what they do hold these positions. It would probably shock you to hear who speaks things like this.

In what Biblical passage can you refer me that we are to remain in sin that grace may abound? Isn't it just the opposite, as Paul said in Romans 6:2
"By no means!!!! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?"

Are we believing God for that?

I am beginning to. Many sins fell off when I first came to know Christ. Now the Holy Spirit is pointing out additional selfish sins of my heart. I thank God for this discipline. May we never accept anything less than Christ formed in us. In the daily walking in the Spirit during prayer, Bible meditation, service, praise, etc, etc. God is trying to transform us into the image of Christ. Will we submit to the Holy Spirits promptings? Or will we excuse them away and dismiss them as natural and silly to think one could walk in victory with our Savoir!!

1 Cor. 10:13 : And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

First in spritual warfare, we have to look in the mirror. We are our worst enemy. The lust for self-gratification in our heart is the enemy that must embrace the cross. This is where we pick up our cross and march in the footsteps of the One who showed us the Way. "To deny oneself is to be aware only of Christ and no more of self, to see only him who goes before and no more the road which is too hard for us. . . . He leads the way, keep close to him. . . . and take up his cross." (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship)

Have faith, God always provides a way out to remain in His path....Look for it, be aware of the Scripture, memorize make it part of who you are, so that it is second nature to believe the Holy Spirit to show you the way out of temptation.