Monday, February 16, 2009

The Big Church

Melchizedek, Rahab, and Ruth, what do these three people have in common? Obviously, its not a name association. For what its worth, all three seem to be incorporated into the "True Israel." The Israel by spirit and not by bloodline. Melchizedek (as discussed in an earlier post-Feb. 9, 2009) pops onto the scene and is fresh from Canaan. Hes a foreigner, from what is later a battlefield for the Israelites. Anyhow, he is isolated from Abraham and his clan and his promises from God, but yet Melchizedek serves the same God, he is a member of the same "body."

Then you have Rahab, a prostitute near Jericho. Rahab's family had not been in the Exodus, had not been lead by Moses, didn't witness the transfer of leadership to Joshua or see God shake Mount Sinai. Her family did not receive the Law of God from Mount Sinai. But, Rahab is incorporated into this bigger thing God is doing. She believes upon the men who come to her house and she helps them. She has faith in God upon hearing. She later has a child named Boaz, who later marries Ruth, who later has a son, who down the line comes King David and then down the line a little more comes Jesus! Wow.

So, I mention Ruth, Ruth also was a foreigner to Israel. She was of the hated land of Moab. Being a Moabitess by blood, she takes to caring for her Hebrew mother-in-law and seeks to serve and obey the same Hebrew God, Jehovah and low and behold by spirit she has become incorporated into this bigger church, a church outside the family bloodline. And yes, we have seen she also shares in the blessing of being a descendant of the Son of God, Himself!

Whats the common thread? They were foreigners taken up into God's church. These isolated incidents from the Penteteuch (First five books of the Bible) and Deuteronmic History (Joshua through Kings) point to something big, some big thing God has working. I am not quite sure I get it all yet, but theres something there.

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