Monday, February 16, 2009


Here I am sitting in the hospital. Along comes a janitor mopping the floor of the room. She overhears my conversation about church and a prayer over lunch. She approaches and asks what church I attend. I respond. Immediately, she begins preaching. Preaching like you do not hear very often. Preaching I admire and wish I had such adept ability at executing. She is on fire. The janitor at the hospital, who'd of thunk it?

She goes on to tell me about growing up in Iran and being a Muslim. She said, "We had no personal relationship with God. We knew of Jesus, we just thought he was a prophet. We had no idea He was Son of God!" With her cute accent and broken English she goes on to explain multiple situations of actions she took in her life based on the Word of God. The very first time she heard the Gospel she responded with joy to be a Christian. She shared her disappointment with the state of the church and the lack of those that actually live out their faith.

This lady, she amazes me. Where did she come from? Does the hospital know they have an on fire preacher roaming these halls? She recalls multiple examples of witnessing to patients, patients on their death beds. There is something irresistible about her faith. It glows. She shines. This janitor puts me to shame.

What was that Jesus said about the last being first and the first being last?

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