Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jonah tell us about Universal Yahweh.

You know I have been continually grabbed by the univeral nature of Yahweh. Many times I have commented here on this blog about the universal nature of the Church. It is not just the whites, african-american, asian, male, female, pretty, average, lame, intelligent, thin, or husky. Its all peoples, all tribes, every nation, and every type of person. Its the drunk, the lawyer, the samaritan, the policeman, its everyone. The Church of Jesus Christ is SO BIG!

I came around to this observation yet again in Jonah.

Here you have Jonah commanded by God to speak to the foreign superpower Assyria and its great city Nineveh. Jonah is asked to head into the heart of the large superpower working its way down to Israel conquering, deporting, relocating families and peoples to distant lands. Assyria may have been at the doorstep of Israel as Jonah receives the command to preach to the land about their wickedness.

Stop here.

God wants Jonah to preach to a foreign nation that has up to this point been bent on destroying nations and exiling them. God cares about this city, these foreigners in the midst of their great sin. Wow, does that stir you like it does me? Isn't this where God meets us? In the middle of our brokenness, He comes. He cares. He loves. Isn't that what makes it so hard to fathom God that he loves broken people like us?

God tells Jonah after Nineveh repents, "Should I not be concerned about that great city" (NIV, Jonah 4:10)

Lets open up this context a little more:
Jonah is an Israelite.
Israelites were given a Covenant, a promise from Yahweh.
Jonah was in the Covenant Community.
Nineveh was not in the Covenant Community.

In our time, the gentiles, that means me and anyone else not Jewish were not in the Covenant Community. God here early on is foreshadowing what He wanted to do for ALL people. God has something bigger in mind than just Israel, He has the entire world that He wants to have a relationship with in mind.

Does this sound familiar? Remember what God had John write in Revelation:

Revelation 5:9 And they sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.

And so here we are. Every nationality, male/female, short/tall, overweight/skinny, smart/slow, or funny/boring. All of us will be singing a new song. This is the BIG, Universal Church of Christ. No denominations, no doctrinal issues. No minor differences or petty problems. One people under One God.

Can we live like that? Or do we see color, abnormality, petty personal issues, disagreements, wrong choices, and evil people. How do you see the world? How do you see your brother and sister, your fellow human? After all, there is only one race, the human race.

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