Saturday, June 27, 2009

Christian Meditation

The goal of Christian meditation is to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Here are some words of depth from a Christian of the past on meditation, Madame Guyon:

"I believe the best manner of meditating is as follows: when, by an act of lively faith, you are placed in the Presence of God, recollect some truth wherein there is substance and food; pause gently and sweetly thereon, not to employ the reason, but merely to calm and fix the mind: for you must observe, that your principal exercise should ever be the Presence of God; your subject, therefore, should rather serve to stay the mind, than exercise the understanding."

I would add, when you are reading the Bible and a particular verse grabs your attention, don't hurry on past on the verse. Stop, pause, and reflect on it. Let it penetrate and provoke your wonder and awe.

When you see something wonderful in your family, when you see some moving act of love or patience, stop, pause, and reflect on it. Let your appreciation to God fill your heart.

When you are out doing your daily business or chores and you see something wonderfully created (tree, flower, clouds, etc), take a moment, pause, reflect on it. Let it penetrate and provoke your wonder and awe of God.

Think about Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that He is God.

At times, it is good for our soul to stop, be still, and know God is around us, active, and involved. It is good to acknowledge the wonder of God.

Be still.

Have you been still before God lately?

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