Monday, November 30, 2009

Faith with Science

Why does everyone want to paint the view as Faith Versus Science? Why is it necessary to divide up into two different camps and suggest that it is either all or nothing?

Why can't we have faith WITH science?

I mean to me, science only deepens my wonder and awe of God's awesomeness! (Is that a word yet, because it should be?)

Faith in God + DNA = An Amazingly intelligent Creator that could make such a blueprint or code that we are just now beginning to understand. Blueprints aren't written on accident (Ask any architect).

Faith in God + Modern Medical understanding = An Amazingly wonderful creation of man that mankind's brain is so complex we haven't dreamed up anything to match.

Faith in God + Physics = An Amazing universe that doesn't appear to be random at all but is ordered by laws such as gravity, thermodynamics, etc. Its not random chaos, it's ordered brilliance!

Faith in God + Microbiology = An Amazingly complex system in places beyond the human eye in factories called cells.

Why does it have to be Faith VERSUS Science?
I say faith is aided and wonder of the Creator is aided by the findings of science of how ordered, intelligently designed, and complex the universe has been proven to be.

1 comment:

godamongus said...

I think Godamongus is an excellent blend of faith and science! Please check me out. God bless you.