Saturday, August 2, 2008

What is reality?

What is reality? Is reality what you think it is in your own mind or is reality something real out there? If I want to believe that the moon is made of cheddar cheese and trees taste like Dorito's, would I find anyone that would agree? Would that make it reality?

What if reality is not what we see...What if there is more than what appears...How would you tell someone about something they could not see? What if some people suddenly started seeing the reality of this world but others could not...what should they say to those that could not see and were bumping around in the dark hurting themselves because they didn't understand reality?

Is there more than meets they eye, to borrow a transformers slogan. Is this like Plato said, only shadows on the wall we are looking at and yet there is a whole other reality, a sun, casting shadows on the wall and we are so entertained with the shadows we don't realize there is a whole other world, full of light and awesome thigns, out there? Instead we sit in the shadows denying the existence of anything else out there.

Too philosophic, I know....Can't help it:)

But seriously. Is there more than meets the eye? Do you believe it? Do you look for it?

God told me a secret the other day. Little human person insignificant as I am, and Almighty God chose to whisper a secret of the supernatural in my ear. Wow. I was humbled. I heard, "love is the secret to true passion and purpose in life!" Love is the universal secret, the reality of life of this world. When you lay down your life and unselfishly love on others and on God, you will find passion that burns in your soul. That is reality.

Reality is if everyone started loving their Creator and loving all the people around them, this would be a much better place to live in...that is concrete...that is reality...that is how this place works...that is true.

Love isn't just a nice thing to do or a nice word. Love is the secret to the universe. Without love there can be no purpose or passion. Is your soul burning on fire with passion? If not, do you love anything other than yourself? Love, thats the ticket.....

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