Thursday, August 7, 2008

Two Ladies

The other day at work I ran into two ladies. I got to asking questions about their personal lives, which I enjoy getting to know people better. The answers to the question I asked perplexed my mind. One of the questions was, what are you passionate about?

Now to help you feel the shock I did you need a little more info. These two ladies are in their 40's. They have lived a good amount of life. No offense if you are 40 or older.

So back to the question. I asked what are you passionate about? With a blank look on their faces they stared back at me. "I don't know." "I don't think I am really passionate about anything." "What am I passionate about?"


How can you be middle aged and not have purpose in life, not have passion? Have they ever asked themselves that question before? I don't know.

I love passion. Am I allowed to say that grammatically? I guess the noun form of passion would be the electricity that you feel in your soul about something. Passion. To borrow from Gatorade, "is it in you?"

When you find that electricity deep in your soul, you have to pursue it. You have to stay there. Explore it. Enjoy it. Don't let the worries of the world steal it from you. Be what God made you to be. Fight for it.

Whats your passion?

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