Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm not competent to run my life

I met this guy at work, a customer of mine. He chews tobacco, is a little rough around the edges, has a big ford diesel truck, and I may have heard him cuss a little here or there. But you know what I found out one day? This guy knows the Lord. Sometimes you can not be too quick to judge others. You never know what they experienced in life (abuse, neglect, disabilities, bad parents, poverty, disease, bad environment, etc...). To be honest, I had no idea this guy knew the Lord.

One day a conversation came up over lunch. I told him I was looking at going into full-time ministry. As we wrapped up our meal and went outside, he threw a lipful of tobacco in and we walked out to his Harley Davidson motorcycle and he proceeds to give me a lecture on Christianity and on God. He confessed he didn't attend church everday, but I swear when he talked about the Lord something lit up inside him. I am telling you, he knows God. He probably knows God better than some imitation Christian that just goes thru the motions.

He gave me an intense sermon on how all denominations were all just Christians and only wearing a different label. He talked about living the life everyday and not just on Sunday. He talked about how he saw his business as an opportunity to serve his community and to help out those in need when he can. He confessed he falls short in certain areas, but he also confessed his searching for God's heart on certain matters. He has saught the Lord. The Word states that he who seeks, will find. And also, God is a rewarder of those that seek Him.

What hit me more than anything else he told me was this, "I am incompetent to run my life." "I need God to help me." Those words have been ringing in my ears for the last week. This guy threw all the outside appearance places his life in God's hands. He trusts God and believes in Him to guide him.

Now I know you all will look at me and say, you think he's a Christian? He dips tobacco, gambles, and cusses AND you think he knows the Lord? Yes I am telling you. He knows the Lord. He admitted he could be better, yes. But can't we all? Who can throw the first stone at this guy, who out there has no sin, no imperfections?

I think this guy, this guy should be a pastor. Not me. This guy. I'm not competent to run my own life. Thats humility. Thats a guy who has seen the Almighty and the awesome power and glory of God.

I tell you Jesus has His church. Not all of them are attending the buildings. Not all of them look like saints.

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