Sunday, August 17, 2008

Being a Christian

You are a Christian every day of the week, Not just Sunday.
It isn't about just being saved, like you just jump thru a hoop and you are done.
Being a Christian is a walk, not a destination.
Being a Christian doesn't mean you are perfect, but it does mean that you are dissatisfied with sin in your life and are committed to fight against it.

Being a Christian is not very popular and it seems most of television, movies, and music are dead set against it. It seems our society doesn't know what to think of a person with morality, a hope for purity, and loyalty to a cause. Why does someone with a foul mouth find it so easy to speak crudely as if no one else in the world might have decency about them? And yet as a Christian we can find it so hard to speak truth?

Being a Christian the world may find it difficult to make money off of us. Maybe that is why it doesn't like us. We know money can not buy peace and true joy. We know that true love is not selfish and we will fight against the selling of sex. We know that God is all powerful and we are mere men who depend on him for our next breath. We don't need all the status symbols and signs of success the world chases after. Our value comes from the one God placed on us when He created us and planned a life for us. God cares not for how much money we have, or how beautiful we are or what status symbols we have acquired.

Being a Christian is caring about what God cares about. Real life. Real love. Real relationships. True life. Life in the full. Not the empty pursuits up for sale.

In a culture of whatever feels good do it and in a culture of selfish pursuits of pleasure, I find being a Christian quite a satisfying alternative to the lies being sold in the marketplace. How long should it take our society to realize the damage that occurs to the family by divorce and selfish pursuits of pleasure? How many broken families do we have to see and how much pain for young kids before it wakes up?

Being a Christian, sometimes I can't bare to watch people heading for disaster and they seem obliviious to their situation. Being a Christian sometimes I just want to yell. I want to scream at the world and say Hey, Don't believe all that junk your music is telling you. Don't believe that a man gets his man badge by his sexual escapades. Don't believe dealing drugs is cool or women should be exploited. Don't believe money will make you happy. I want to say look at what it means to be dedicated and loyal and have a healthy trusting relationship. Look at what happens if both people are dedicated to following Christ and leave behind all the trappings the world sells you. We can have family life restored. It can happen.

Being a Christian is pursuing holiness before you are married so that when you are married you won't be tempted to cheat or to pervert your sexuality that makes it hard to have a healthy relationship with your wife.

Being a Chrisitan is being committed. Committed to God and to following God's ways. Following because His ways are better than what we can come up with and better because He is real.

Too many people out there are wearing the label Christian but they aren't being Christian. Too many people are giving others the wrong idea of what being Christian is. That makes me want to yell as well. Church is not something we just do on Sunday and leave there not to look at it or think about it during the week. God is always there. Every day. Every moment. He is there. You can't leave Him anywhere and you can't go anywhere He is not present. Instead of going thru some motions to fake or meet some part of your conscience you feel you need to suffice, take the first step of being a Christian and stop lying to yourself and come clean. You don't know Him. If you knew Him, you would love Him. When you love someone you are with them most of your time. You would talk to them, spend time with them, seek them, talk to others about them, sing about them, dedicate your life to them.......

These are some thoughts I had on being a Chrisitan. I am curious. What does being a Christian look like to you?

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