Saturday, February 28, 2009

For the Skeptic: A Narrative

There were these people who thought that everything that was, could be seen.

One saw all these green pieces of paper that seemed to provide the means to obtain luxurious things. These things look as if they meant something. Somehow the people there with all the stuff seemed to be happy.

One looked around and noticed a fierce competition. Everyone seemed to be jockeying for position and trying to "out do" everyone else, especially when it came to the opposite sex. So, this person naturally realized from witnessing this that what they needed was to plug into this mess and compete for love.

One only looked only at himself. He decided the only answer was to fulfill his every desire.

The last one of these guys the others all thought was crazy. He kept telling them about things unseen, telling them about things that existed that the eye nor the mind could fully grasp. He had this notion that there was something deeper. He could not help but gaze in awe at the order of everything. Everything seemed to be in some kind of harmony that he himself found lacking inside his soul. All of the created order around him seemed to buzz, blossom, cycle through patterns and seasons. He saw the colors and the artistry about everything. He watched in wonder at the death in Winter and resurrection of Spring. He learned of a code named DNA embedded in the minute levels of human composition that contained some blueprint the men had told him, some plan or code. Obviously, there was some order and intelligence at work in his very being.

Meanwhile, his friends only saw a flower. They saw only shiny rocks in the sky. Only random probability that the code in DNA formed itself together and made a human, only accidental. But the last one person we are talking about, he saw something different. He saw wonders and beauty. He saw meaning and purpose. He felt intertwined in the plan and not really random or accidental at all. There was always something just beyond his ability to put into words, something on the tip of his tongue, something faint and rather fuzzy, that he just couldn't seem to explain to his friends.

Then everything went far deeper for him.

All of a sudden he started believing in some from of moral structure. He began to believe in some unseen system of right and wrong. Something within his own soul seemed to echo this idea in his heart. From where and when did this come? How did it get there? Was it an accident too? Or was it part of the plan, was it part of the story? Not only did he find some strange notion of right and wrong but of virtues. Mysterious qualities about his fellow men that he admired as noble, just, and true. They were in direct opposition to liars, cheaters, murderers, and no good scum buckets. What made a man good and one bad?

His friends told him he was odd. Why should you follow things you cannot see? They told him, "There is no truth, no code, no purpose, no plan, no nothing, you just make it up for yourself man!" His friends said, look at me, I just do want I want, when I want. There is no code. You just live it up man! Look, its just a big party and everybody wants to have a little fun. Look, go buy that house you've been wanting, settle down with that gal you've been chasing, and make a little money, then everything will be just fine, you'll be happy just like us. Just step on up into our program, we'll have you trained and hit the ground running then you'll be just like us, stressed out, overweight, on anti-depressants, and oh yeah not worrying about any stupid things that you can't see, because obviously if all of us can't see it and we don't live by it, then it just can't be.

So, having heard this advice the young man went away disappointed. Their words were empty. There was no life in them. But the unseen kept at him. He just could not leave it alone. Deep in his heart, he knew, he believed there was more. One night he cried out, he was desperate for an answer. He set out looking for answers.

It was not long and his questions started being answered. He met others who had experienced this same understanding that there was more in life than what they had seen and that there was a disharmony within their bodies against the harmony of nature all around. Then, there was one who came and solved the riddle. He explained that they were indeed from another place and that is why they do not belong. He, himself, claimed that he was from this place and had seen it and he told them all about it. He said he had the answers and all those that wished to follow could, but it would require them to leave their old life behind. So, having reasoned that they could not live in a lie any longer and realizing this was their one shot to live the life they had sensed in the deep recesses of their souls was possible, they followed.

What they found was that there was more to life than what they had seen. As they walked together, more and more things made sense. The man that lead them shared more about his homeland. In this place, there were no struggles, no striving, no competition, no misery, no pain, no sickness, no disease, and all the tears were wiped and cared for. In this place, honesty, truth, justice, mercy, and love reign. Love itself is said to dwell in its center as a tree giving off life to all who come near to eat of its fruit. No more disharmony in his soul, and things here answer the fuzzy ideas that just couldn't be expressed in the "seen" world. Here was the answer. They had been made for so much more, that is why they never felt at home. Parts and pieces from this place had been planted within all the travellers from birth, actually, all their friends they left behind had them too, but it seems a rather hard and strange thing to do, that is to believe in something that cannot be seen.


Eternity: infinite duration

Life is short......Eternity is long.......

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Sermon on the Mount

King Jesus steps up on the platform for his inaugural address. As the leader of this Holy Nation, he begins, his proclamations about His kingdom, about life in it. He illustrates what His subjects can expect from His leadership. By His word, His subjects come to know Him. His speech is captured in the Scripture from Matt. 5:1-7:27. He announces to Christianity, this is life in my kingdom, this is what my people look like, act like, and who they are. He addresses the law and turns it inside out. He takes the external and makes it internal. His words cut to the heart. It is not a show, it is an inward reality. It is not just love for family, but love for enemies. It is not stockpiling wealth on earth, it is treasure in heaven. It is not unrealistic, it is by His grace. It is not a secret, but announced aloud. It is not without cost, it will require your life. It is not on display, but the Father in heaven sees what is done. It is not self-righteousness, but it is a righteousness that surpasses that of the Pharisees. It surpases that of the Pharisees, because there is one who fulfilled it all. This speech is about the life of one who did it all! He was all of it. He was the surpassing righteousness of the Phraisees. He was truly the author and perfecter of the Law. He embodied the Law. He was at such a level no self-righteous prude could touch. He was the thought that created the Law, He was the heart for the reason of the law. Here He stands speaking aloud to all these men. Speaking of things, we can not understand. Speaking of things we can not achieve. He knows it. He hopes it. Because He is more than able to carry us through it. He will put us on His back and carry us. Only He can take up all the sin, all the failure, all the sickness, all the struggle, all the death and lift it all up and take it upon Himself. Here our leader speaks. Here our leader shows us how to love thine enemy. He bears it all for us who sin against Him. For His enemies, He choses to die. He dies, but He rises again! Death has no power over Him!

This is our leader. His word gives us insight into who He is. His Word here for the world to see. Gazing into this Sermon on the Mount, his followers can catch a vision of Him they serve. Within our clouded minds light seems to pierce through the darkness of our misunderstanding. Our Savior lives and He speaks now as He did then, we have His Word in which to revel. So He speaks to them on the Mount as He does to us all about. Our call is the same as theirs. Those followers, the same as us. Our leader shares His will. He is a mighty Leader, a Divine Warrior, and he announces His wishes for us to carry. He takes our hand and acts as our guide to assist us by His power. Only looking to Him. Only under His wing. Only as He instructs. Only as He guides. Only as He carries us on toward that place He has prepared.

Oh, that I might loose myself in His gaze. That I might be done with all the struggle of flesh that is weak and only look to Him who Saved me. How might I let this gaze linger, a little longer? How do I hold on to it, without it rushing away? What might prolong it? Before the world hurries it away......

The Big Church

Melchizedek, Rahab, and Ruth, what do these three people have in common? Obviously, its not a name association. For what its worth, all three seem to be incorporated into the "True Israel." The Israel by spirit and not by bloodline. Melchizedek (as discussed in an earlier post-Feb. 9, 2009) pops onto the scene and is fresh from Canaan. Hes a foreigner, from what is later a battlefield for the Israelites. Anyhow, he is isolated from Abraham and his clan and his promises from God, but yet Melchizedek serves the same God, he is a member of the same "body."

Then you have Rahab, a prostitute near Jericho. Rahab's family had not been in the Exodus, had not been lead by Moses, didn't witness the transfer of leadership to Joshua or see God shake Mount Sinai. Her family did not receive the Law of God from Mount Sinai. But, Rahab is incorporated into this bigger thing God is doing. She believes upon the men who come to her house and she helps them. She has faith in God upon hearing. She later has a child named Boaz, who later marries Ruth, who later has a son, who down the line comes King David and then down the line a little more comes Jesus! Wow.

So, I mention Ruth, Ruth also was a foreigner to Israel. She was of the hated land of Moab. Being a Moabitess by blood, she takes to caring for her Hebrew mother-in-law and seeks to serve and obey the same Hebrew God, Jehovah and low and behold by spirit she has become incorporated into this bigger church, a church outside the family bloodline. And yes, we have seen she also shares in the blessing of being a descendant of the Son of God, Himself!

Whats the common thread? They were foreigners taken up into God's church. These isolated incidents from the Penteteuch (First five books of the Bible) and Deuteronmic History (Joshua through Kings) point to something big, some big thing God has working. I am not quite sure I get it all yet, but theres something there.


Here I am sitting in the hospital. Along comes a janitor mopping the floor of the room. She overhears my conversation about church and a prayer over lunch. She approaches and asks what church I attend. I respond. Immediately, she begins preaching. Preaching like you do not hear very often. Preaching I admire and wish I had such adept ability at executing. She is on fire. The janitor at the hospital, who'd of thunk it?

She goes on to tell me about growing up in Iran and being a Muslim. She said, "We had no personal relationship with God. We knew of Jesus, we just thought he was a prophet. We had no idea He was Son of God!" With her cute accent and broken English she goes on to explain multiple situations of actions she took in her life based on the Word of God. The very first time she heard the Gospel she responded with joy to be a Christian. She shared her disappointment with the state of the church and the lack of those that actually live out their faith.

This lady, she amazes me. Where did she come from? Does the hospital know they have an on fire preacher roaming these halls? She recalls multiple examples of witnessing to patients, patients on their death beds. There is something irresistible about her faith. It glows. She shines. This janitor puts me to shame.

What was that Jesus said about the last being first and the first being last?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cheap Grace Vs. Costly Grace

Following are a couple quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer on what he saw as one of the biggest problems facing Christianity during his time in the 1940's. He stood up for Christian love and returned to a Nazi occupied Germany, his homeland, to minister to his fellow neighbors. He did this knowing it could mean his death in a country where opposing Hitler was certain death. He did in fact become martyred for Christ's sake. He was executed at the hands of the Nazi's, all the while loving those imprisoned unjustly. It seems that much of what he points out is still relevant today. Read it and see what you think....

Christian life comes to mean nothing more than living in the world and as the world, in being no different from the world for the sake of grace. The upshot of it all is that my only duty as a Christian is to leave the world for an hour or so on a Sunday morning and go to church to be assured that my sins are forgiven. I need no longer try to follow Christ, for cheap grace, the bitterest foe of discipleship, which true discipleship must loathe and detest, has freed me from that. Dietrich Bonhoeffer The Cost of Discipleship

By cheap grace, Bonhoeffer illustrates: Preaching forgiveness without repentence, grace without embracing the cross, communion without confession, baptism without discipline, and so on . . .

I believe Bonhoeffer calls us back to the true meaning of Christianity. Learning from a Risen Savior and following Him to the Cross! Not on our own power, but in fellowship with Him, He leads us to our cross and helps us find it and enables us to embrace it with Him. Who is preaching like this today (See post on the Janitor for February 16th)? Is grace still cheap or are there preachers of costly grace? Grace that costs the life of a disciple and asks him to leave behind his old life. Christ doesn't allow Peter to remain a fisherman, or the young rich man to remain a rich man, the circumstance of who they used to be must change. The one quickly obeys and follows leaving behind his fishing trade, but the second example refuses to obey and refuses to follow. Both must embrace following Christ no matter the cost to their life, because Jesus says, that "whoever looses his life for Christ's sake will find it" (Matt. 10:39).

Monday, February 9, 2009

Melchizedek, like Jesus?

Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek. Hebrews 5:8-10

Who is this Melchizedek and why is the author of Hebrews referring to Jesus as being in the order of Melchizedek? Is there anyone else that is surprised to find someone mentioned in the same sentence as Jesus and he only appears as a small blip on the radar of the pages of the Bible?

The following passage mentions this Melchizedek who has no beginning or end in the Bible, he is only mentioned here meeting Abraham as he makes his way back from rescuing Lot.

Genesis 14:18-20 Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, "Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand." Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

Some interesting points to take note of here:
1- Melchizedek is not just a king, but he is also a high priest (Of which Jesus is said to be of the same order ((Both King and Priest/Mediator)), -see above Hebrews quote-)
2-Salem could be Jerusalem, King of Salem can be translated King of Peace.
3-Melchizedek is not a Hebrew. He comes from a nation not affiliated with Abraham. Abraham who was a man of the promise of God, offers a tenth, a tithe to Melchizedek, showing that Abraham recognized Melchizedek as a high priest of the same God as himself and from whom Abraham had received the promise. This act is symbolic that he recognized some sort of superior rank that he offered a tithe. This is strange no? Who is this stranger that the Bible whispers about here and then Paul brings him up in Hebrews? Abraham is the father of the faith, the heir of the promise direct from God, yet he offers a tithe to Melchizedek.

What does this mean? Please think about this, pray over it, struggle with it. It does not seem to offer any quick and easy answers.

This we can take away: There is a whole different order of priesthood that is so far above the Hebrew priesthood that it is of a whole different order. It is so much more, it is so far beyond. I would liken it to comparing earth to heaven. Earth is only a slight glimmer of what heaven is.

Jesus was of another order of priesthood. As recepients of Jesus' grace and co-heirs of the promise, we gather under the ultimate high priest, Jesus of Nazareth. The full revelation of God among us. Stepping into heaven itself to mediate on our behalf. He opened the way, tore the veil, and calls us friends. He is of another promise, a promise of a new Canaan, a new heaven and a new earth. He has breached the defenses and calls us to partake. His Kingdom is not of this world. (John 18:36 My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place.)

So we enter in cleansed through the sacrifice of Christ to partake of the suffering of the world that crucified Him. We wage war by the power of his Spirit. In small gatherings we lock arms, close eyes, and speak to our High Priest. We besiege Him and ask for His will to be done through us, among us. His Spirit is more than able though our flesh is weak. His power is great and mighty is His name!

Note: Some scholars have offered that Melchizedek was some foreshadow, Christ incarnate man, possibly Christ Himself. I am of another opinion, but the Scripture leaves it somewhat open to interpretation.

Your thoughts? What are the implications to you?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What is more important? Belief or Action?

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I hear this verse quoted often. The usual context is in regard to the intellectual assent that Jesus is the Gate, by which we enter into heaven and there is no other way to enter. I acknowledge this as true, BUT I find myself going one step further and asking:

What is more important, the intellectual agreement that Jesus indeed is the Way to salvation OR to actually walk in the Way?

Let me put it this way. If I acknowledge that Meridian Street runs directly to my house which is the third on the left, I can agree this is true. If I acknowldge that I indeed want to go to my house, I have to drive along "the Way," which in this case is Meridian Street. All too often it seems evangelical Christians want to stand and build intellectual agreement that indeed Meridian Street runs to my house, BUT we spend all our time here.

Instead of walking together or driving together down Meridian street and talking about the landmarks and how we can know we are actually heading the right way on Meridian Street, we spend all our time acknowledging Meridian Street runs to my house.

Yes, Jesus is the Way. Let us move on past this elementary teaching and get on to maturity. Lets talk about living in the Way together. Let's talk about spiritual struggle and dicernment of the spiritual warfare going on around us. Let's talk about working out our salvation with fear and trembling before an Almighty God! Let's talk about a Holy Nation. Let's talk about a people under Christ that are all supposed to be part of a Royal Priesthood. . . . Yes, every believer a Priest! The old order of having a priest do all the God work is done, it was crucified. All have access to God through Christ, the mediator and Perfect Sacrifice. This sacrifice paid in FULL all of our sins and grants us access to the Holy of Holies, heaven itself.

When do we move on to walking the Way together and get past a mere intellectual agreement?

Sometimes I wonder, if some who may not even have this intellectual agreement may be closer to Christ than those who profess His name.