Thursday, February 4, 2010

Observations from 1 Tim 6:11-21

God alone possess immortality.
He was in the beginning, He is now, and He will be in the future.

God dwells in inapproachable light.
Just as light removes darkness,
God's presence cannot stand spiritual darkness.
Just as light pierces the dark,
God's truth pierces our consciences and illuminates the true path.
God's light is inapproachable, His goodness is beyond our highest thoughts of Good, His goodness is blinding to our eyes,
eyes that are used to and grow accustomed to darkness.

God gives life to all things.
God gives, its his nature.
He is a giver and generous with what He gives to us.
He gives the most precious of gifts, life.
Not because He had to, because He chose to.

God is the only sovereign.
There is only one King.
Every person who thinks they rule anything by a title or by force,
they are deceived.
There is only one who truly rules over this universe and this Earth.

So believer in God,
pursue righteousness (v. 11).
righteousness: being as we ought to be; the condition acceptable to God
Be full of integrity, virtue, purity of life, and seek correctness of thinking and acting.

Be who God made you to be.

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