Sunday, June 29, 2008

Destiny Moment

This is where destiny is. This moment in Tennessee with a group of 21 high school students holds so much of what I desire. Oh! that these young students would take a little piece with them from these moments that can encourage them onward with Christ. May it set the truth before them. May their lives benefit by avoiding the traps and false sources of fulfillment the world will offer them. In heaven, in God's presence, I hope I can witness the glory of the outcomes in their lives and their childrens and their childrens.
I hope they anchor on the rock of Christ and build their lives on Him and Him alone. Strong happy marriages, solid environments for children, faithful to their spouse, giving to those in need, caring for everyone......

From this appointed time. I hope there was a difference made for the good guys. May Truth, Justice, Mercy, Compassion, and Love increase in this place. In this fallen world, drowning in selfishness, corruption, and debauchery, may the good sound their trumpet to announce a victory against those that delight in dark deeds.

The week comes to a close. There is a certain peace in me. Whatever was supposed to happen, whatever God wanted....there is a peace, that it was done. It is satisfying. It is good.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Song

What is the source of Truth?
What is it about truth that resonates in the soul
Penetrating deep within
What is the source of Love?
Who first loved us
Lighting a fire deep within
What is it about the outstretched arm
helping those in need
Extending out to help up

Out of the dirt
Out of unfaithfullness
Out of lies
Out of cheating
Greed, dishonesty, cruelty, self indulgence, hatred, and selfishness
Out of the dirt comes Love, breaking through it all

Oh how glorious, how beautiful is love springing up out of the dirt!
What a glory of God!
What a miracle!

Out of the dulldrums
there is a song
bringing to life those that hear it
A song of hope and love
inspiring wonderful mercies
in a land of dirt and unfaithfullness
There is a song of love being heard
being danced too
How awesome
Coal becomes diamond
Rainy days turn into sunshine bright
Out of winter comes Spring rising up through the dirt

What is it about this song?
When you hear you just know its true
Awakening the heart
Releasing all fear and joining in it's tune
Resonating throughout time and place
Inspiring courage and self sacrifice

Who wrote this song?
I can imagine certain attributes about Him
He is most certainly forgiving, loving, faithful, and just
Someone you can really trust

I know this song
I see it in my mind and my heart
I never want to have it cease, I always want to be engulfed in it's rhythms
I want to be lost in it and hear it grow louder and louder
So crystal clear with singing and dancing never ceasing
Drumming me on higher and higher
Lost in the beauty

Thursday, June 5, 2008


The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win. Roger Bannister

Roger Bannister was the first man to break the four minute mile, once thought to be impossible.

I like that quote. I enjoy training and running. There seems to be many life lessons in this quote. Many life lessons I take away from running and training. Obviously, there is always the pain from working out or even those points you reach that you just want to quit. Pushing past those points toward that goal whatever it is, you learn something about yourself.

Life seems to be much like this. There are problems that barrage you every day. All the time I have moments where I don't feel like doing some thing. But I do it anyway, because I have goals and I have a vision. I know the things I am doing right now, whatever that thing is I don't like fits into the big picture of things I do enjoy.

In running, there is that freeing feeling in the physical of overcoming all obtacles. Overcoming the pain, pushing past the problems, you can find yourself set free from the troubles that come in life as well. It can reengerize you to take on those problems fresh having conquered other problems/pains/challenges during a run or other physical challenge.

In faith, we are called to be faithful till the end. We are to hit the finish line at full steam. I have heard Chuck Swindall I believe say, I don't want to limp into heaven.

There are obstacles, temptations, and pains we will experience and just like Roger Bannister quoted, we are too drive ourselves further to Christ and hold onto the Word ever tighter to overcome the troubles of life. We are called to be holy, to grow in faith, to change. By the grace of God, may we bend ourselves to God's will to let this happen to us.

May we lay down those things in our lives that are not of God's Word.