Sunday, May 11, 2008


Forgive me Lord for all the things I have forgotten. Forgive me for not carrying your praises with me to freely proclaim your awesome power.

Like the time that you delivered me from my empty pursuits. No money, no drug, no pleasure, no status, no not anything but you can satisfy my soul. How you look upon such a lost soul and shine your mercies and graces. How you filled my heart with purpose. Thank you for saving me in my waywardness and watching over me during my car crash. My God has set a path before me to walk in. A path that takes me away from what I once knew. Takes me away from lies and guides me into truth. Truth a life can be built upon.

Like every time you have answered prayer. When I prayed to be used by you for your glory. So numerous are the times, I am ashamed to forget them in my day to day life. As you opened the way to Kokomo Urban Outreach. As you worked miracles of baptism of my immediate family into your kingdom. As you work your plan to place other travellers on your path beside me for fellowship. As you open doors into my neighbors lives.

So great in your timing are your answers to prayer. You heard me pray for my brother, his wife, and my nieces. Awesome to watch them turn to you for leadership and making choices to do your will. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine my 44 year old brother being soft enough to be baptised, or my 65 year old mother.

Remember the time that you delivered two-fold the amount of shoes prayed for needy children in Kokomo. What I asked you doubled and worked a miracle on the day beyond what I had enough faith to trust for.

I wish I could carry with me every day how Great you are God to answer and deliver to the fullest my feeble prayers. I wish I would always remember how you deliver me and watch over me. When my body hurts, when things don't go my way, when stresses overwhelm, when tragedy strikes, things seem impossible, then I wish I would remember what you have done and trust you for deliverance in all troubles.

"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life." Psalm 23

Remember, remember, remember what God has Done!