Sunday, January 6, 2008

Light Has Entered the World

John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
There is truth among the lies being spread. Just like watching the sun rise in the morning was Jesus Christ coming into a dark day. There is something beyond comprehension or words to explain that is the life of Jesus. Reading His words and about His life, is just like looking at a beautiful sunrise. There is just something about it that grabs you and you just can't help but sit and wonder at the glory of such a thing. All of nature worships God and is orchestrated just as He created it to. But humans are given the choice to conform to God's will or to follow their own. God so loves us He gave His creation the ability to accept or reject Him. I find it harder and harder to imagine that so many love the darkness, when instead you could for all eternity be looking at the sunrise.
There was a time on earth, that the truth of all the ages was set in the flesh and dwelt among us. His life and words are recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Anyone that is rejecting the light of Jesus must please take the opportunity to read those books of the Bible and then tell me if you do not find the glory of God...the truth of the ages....something beyond this worldly wisdom or created by man stored in those pages. If there is the opportunity to look into the mind of God, would you not take a chance and take a look for yourself? Many can describe how beautiful God is, but at some point, everyone has to make the decision to look away from the darkness and toward the light on their own. He is waiting for all of us to make that journey. I hope you do.